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Everything posted by h2odawg79

  1. Â He's the ZOÂ model "Twiggy"
  2. Chuck, I'm in Nashville. Unfortunately, the only times that I've been back to Cali in the last 16 yrs. has been a wedding, Father in the Hospital and 2 funerals... I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga and still have a Bro in Law out in Elsinore. Elsinore would be great for me, with Slalom and V-drive Mondays for Flat Bottoms! I'll certainly give you a shout if something changes for me! My dream is to Live on a ski Lake somewhere SUNNY and WARM! (Nashvilles cold/grey winters are So depressing) This was shot on Elsinore Jan. 2, 2010 SUNNY AND WARM! Â
  3. "If you cant get conventional financing, Im not sure I want to be your bail out". Understandable. But, within this last yr. things have tightened up drastically and will probably stay that way for sometime to come. Good credit or even Great credit will not qualify someone in and by itself. Buyers must now also show proven and stable income. (2yrs of tax returns) Some people have far less income in the last yr. or so. While others are self employed and show very little taxable income on their returns and even though they may be pretty well off, they canot qualify for conv. programs. Yet. they otherwise have a great credit rating, plenty of $$$ and would probably be a good risk. If you could find someone that needed your help with some financing, you could negotiate their down pmt. 25K- 100k or? and if they slip up, you can foreclose on your note and keep the 25-100k plus all the interest pmt's that they made during the process...   You don't have to finance them for 30 yrs. you could write the contract with a short call of 2-5 yrs. (Balloon) Just some creative idea's to help free you up, if a move or down sizing is desirable sooner then later. You have a unique property and will indeed take unique buyers. This can be a dbl. edged sword. That's why I would go ahead and find a trust worthy, local Realtor, with Private lake hm. exp. and see where that leads you. It's a normal practice to interview potential agents. So, check out 2-3 and then allow the one that is the most on the Buoy (Ball) to run you some comps. and work on a marketing strategy that works for your personal needs and situation...  Â
  4. Another thought, if you own it out right you might want to consider owner financing. Or if you have some equity you could do partial financing and become a 2nd. These kinds of options might allow you to sell it quicker and/or @ a higher sales price... There are many buyers out there at @ this time who will not qualify for very much with conventional financing. These present times require a look outside the box somtimes just to make anything happen...Â
  5. Where ru at Chuck? I grew up in So. Ca and Totally miss the weather and the People!
  6. I am an Agent/Broker and most of the above advice is right on. But, getting an appraisal would be a waste of your $$$. In any market, the market will only bear what the market will bear and an appraisal done by the Homeowner will have NO bearing on what a Bank will actually loan, (They will do their own.) or what a buyer is actually willing to pay. I would 1st find someone (agent) that you can trust right there in your local community to deal with. Tell them what you are considering and why and they should be able to look at your local market, your financial obligations, time frame and motives to set a realistic listing price. Proper Marketing is key. Bottom line; it really is worth the most that someone will give you. Someone with deep pockets "Might" give you more then a lending institution is willing to loan. The whole market is relative, you may not sell for what you could have 4 yrs. ago. But, what ever you buy next will most likely be deeply discounted as well... (trade off...) Any Good agent in your area should be interested in helping you out even if you may not sell now. We're all about building relationships, helping out and making new contacts... Good Luck!
  7. Rock on Rawly! -the worst is behind you... and the Future is looking Better everyday!
  8. My arm will be a the sling 24/7 for 6 wks. min. and I'm already doing PT 3 x wk. The movements are ridiculously small. But she also does Hot/ Cold therapy, ems (tens) and some massage to free up the Rt. scapular region, so my arm can move the very small range that is allowed right now... -I feel like a 90 yr, old invalid right now.
  9. My Dream Home! -How much in assoc. and ski club dues/expenses yearly?
  10. Marco, 5 hrs. of surgery? -Wow! Now that's a Big Deal for sure... (just the being under for extended periods of time is very tough on the body alone. But, also is a good indicator of the complexity and severity) Hang in there Man! -I will if you will! Thanx for your help and encouragement. Blessings to you and the journey ahead... These threads can be very uplifting and beneficial for sure. I think for the most part in Life, regardless of your current situation or circumstances, if you Look around, the room is usually filled with three types of people; #1. "Those who have been there" #2. "those who are there right now" #3. and "those who about to be there"... THANX ED and  ACMX for your wisdom and encouragement. -Golden! ACMX; No, unfortunately I wasn't sent hm. with any Support Hose. In retrospect, I should have atleast added these myself. Especially considering all the time spent laying and SITTING acwardly in the recliner. Surely, cutting off good blood flow to the Lower legs...Â
  11. Road trip sucked...http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif Found out that my injuries are 2-3 times more complex and extensive then a typical Rotator cuff tear. I torn the entire front (anterior) section of the cuff completely off of the Bone, torn another section (lateral) in half, (complete tear) detached and displaced the Bycept from the Labrum, from shoulder being violently dislocated and dropped down out of socket... I'm in a braced sling 24/7 for at least 6 wks. wont even be allowed to lift a coffee cup until after the 10 wk. mark at the earliest. At this point it is very unclear as to my prognosis. The Ortho said he did all he could do to try and save the Bycept. But, may have to go back in @ a later date and do more for it... PT wasn't too sure that I would ever ski again. (Stupid PT!) Got a DVD of the complete procedure through the lense of the Ortho scopic camera!  Dude! this ain't for the faint of Heart. -it's the whole enchilada Baby!!! Marco, Wal-Mart was negative. I'll try BB&B next. Thanx! h2odawg's Life is getting More AMBIGUOUS all the time... http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-undecided.gifÂ
  12. What happened to Behindpropellers??? O.K. my 1wk. Report... My left hand is becoming quite the Team player. (prior to this surgery my left hand mostly just watched from the sidelines like a 2nd string water boy, as the all-star rt. hand got all the action.) After the first 2 days w/o food, my mother in-Law brought over some very tasty Turkey Soup. There I was, starving, my Star pitcher braced up and out of the Game, balancing a giant bowl of Really Hot soup in my lap while sitting in my recliner. It didn't take very long to wonder if this was some kind of cruel joke. Left handed, it took me some 35 minutes to finish! -it was like eating with a fork... With the rookie relief pitcher in, it was like to the Moon and back from my lap to my lips. -should have worn a Pancho... Thanks to the anesthesia and pain meds it wasn't until the 4th day that my left hand had to be put to a real concerning test again. Seriously, all I can say is thank God for Baby wipes! Acting as training wheels, (with a much larger sweet spot and reinforced moistened fibers) the wipes performed flawlessly... Haven't had too much rest this past wk. nor have I been of much use to my wife. I should probably shave soon and take another shower, I'm starting to look as though I've found new residency under a down town bridge... Wait a minute... It's Monday, Oh ya, today I go back for my post op and then off to PT! Yes!  Road Trip!!! -I've got people to do and things to see!!! I'll finish up the 1 wk. report aft. my Road trip...    Â
  13. 4 hrs. of UN-interrupted sleep! -and in a real Bed?  Man, that sounds like a fantasy. I have an empty sleep # Bed dialed in to my favorite # just sitting there collecting dust... (well, my side of the Bed anyway. my wife sleeps great after wearing herself out everyday catering after me.) -this will cost me BIG at a later date i'm sure... I hate to admit it, but thanx to the clot scare, I'm now sporting some sexy Black knee highs! -this probably won't help my "Ambiguous image" much... Wedge pillows, -sounds like a great idea! I checky Wal Mart tomorrow.Â
  14. MOVED FROM "1st cut" thread: Quote: Dawg79. Hope yours went well. I'm 8 days post op and things are so much better than the first few days. Can't wait to be able to start the PT in earnest, although I know I'll be questioning my sanity later for uttering those words. Maybe I should save some pain killers for PT.  Now if I could only get some sleep...... end quote ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marco,  Lordy, Lordy I hear ya! I thought about you these last couple of days. -wondering how you were getting along. Glad to hear your moving fwd... My 1st couple of days were insane... I didn't sleep but about 4-6 hrs. total from Monday morn til Thursday Morn. I had a Horrible time with the Anesthesia and quit the Oxycodone after the 1st night. I'm taking minimal Lortab now and got a script for Ambien yesterday. I actually got 2 hrs @ a time last night for about 6 total hrs.! -YEAH!!! Spent yesterday back @ the Hospital. I had some funky swelling and Charlie Horse stuff going on in the Lower legs. They wanted to make sure I didn't have any Clots going on... Today was my break out day; I took my 1st shower and finally sat upon thy throne...http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif I start passive Rehab on Monday. (I hope "Passive" is fancy for Wussy...)
  15. Oldskeer, Thanx! -I'm already crossing off the days...
  16. Wow, mowing season is now officially Over! I did my LAST CUT OF THE SEASON! -Had to, I'm heading in for my shoulder job tomorrow. No more Mowing, DR's orders! (That's what I told my wife anyway!)http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif
  17. Very AMBIGUOUS subject matter! If one "Has to" hold (forces) an edge past the 2nd wake it's most certainly because they are behind in the 1st place and that probably began @ the previous turn... -SnowBall effect. imo, This practice, produces gritty but polished scrappers! Â
  18. Maybe a bit Odd, but who do I want to ski like? -ME! I want to ski like Me, myself and I! Why do I want to ski like me? -Not sure, but it's probably never been done before! (even by me) How do I want do ski? -I wanna float like a Butterfly and sting like a Bee...
  19. Could be a new episode of Miami ink. -"Got Bakersfield ink"?
  20. Ha, ha!!! Ambiguous! -now that's just showing off your College education right there! (I had to look it up, just to see what you meant!) Wife Dared me to get a BOS tatoo! http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-surprised.gif (next she's probably gonna want me to become a Raiders fan...) Â
  21. Matt, indeed! But, on the up side; My wife was all over me last night, after she found out I was on probation. -Seems she likes my new "Bad Boy" image!http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif thinkin' about gettin' a tatoo now.. Thanx Horton!
  22. OUCHY! I was only making light of the ref. to How to get to the Front page! i.e. -"Link"? I was just taking in all of the Cool vid's on the FRONT PAGE Yesterday infact! -Will Asher smokin' em across the pond... The discussions R sweet, but the FRONT PAGE is where it's at! -yes, you can Quote me on that...Â
  23. Back @ ya Marco! -hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted on your weekly progress. I'll be all fixed up or something'd up by this time next Monday. Can't wait to test drive my left arm and hand! i.e. Brushing teeth, drinking, eating, wiping -ah crap, this is going to be interesting... to much info?http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif
  24. what? -when did we get a front page?!?!
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