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Everything posted by h2odawg79

  1. Thanx Ed! -Great explanation. One day I may just have to try out the 'ol PV...
  2. Ed, can you reitterate; " i.e.: feel the rope, then relax, while staying in your lean". -your basically saying; "Fall back" into your leveraged (stacked) position, right? "This sets maximum edge angle on the ski" -Not trying to split Hairs, just trying to understand your statement. Is it MAXIMUM or OPTIMUM? Thanx!
  3. He pobably would have been a lot wider on a Strada... -jus' sayin'
  4. Now I know why Women are always checkin' out the size of Mens Bindings!
  5. The Pendulum effect, Like being on a swing set fully illustrates the optimum Loads and their relationship to effeciency... Setting skis on a hard edge in the snow will slow down or stop fwd progress. Doing this same thing on water at the wrong time (Like I do) creates about 900lbs. of unuseable line load that Slows the skier enough to eventually end the pass or exhaust the skier...  Â
  6. Man, this thread could have been So much more fun in the middle of winter! Alright everyone, lets practice abstinence and save up all of our ZO Hormones until at least January! -it'll be a real Hoot!!!
  7. If I still lived in Cali I would probably have some of the Best weather and ski Buddies one could ask for and "storage" would change to "Transit"!!! If I can ever afford to move back, I'll look you and Horton up fo sho!
  8. Ski Storage... That a good point. I wonder if there are some optimum storage practices? I keep mine out of the sun while in the Boat. But, at Hm. I stand them vertically inside (climate controlled) and I let a fan blow on them and my vest, gloves, etc... for a day or so to fully dry them. Then I put them in their bags and leave them standing vertically. Is there some better things I could be doing? Hmmmm... Â
  9. Ya, contact Seth he will help you out. Very Cool, Tell your partner WAY TO GO! I wish him the very Best in this sport. His desire and determination is very inspirational and I hope y'all will be surrounded by some of the Best freinds that Slalom has to offer...
  10. The older Radar Senates were probably the Best Bang for the Buck and the Senate "C" used to be about the Best Bang for the Buck in the whole Business. (Now I fear it's become just another higher priced Great ski..) The Theory is a very Good beginner ski and the H.O. Triumph is always a great choice... A beginner has No Business wasting a dime on an older High end ski. Those High end ski's, though old and "outdated" were designed for "High end skiers." NOT Beginners. They are skinny, fast, unstable and unforgiving... Not exactly the recipe for Building confidence on! But, spending $$ is Basically a prerequisite for the sport of skiing!
  11. "Does this ski make my Hips Look Bigger" ???
  12. a Brand new ski can be enuf to think about sometimes. Now add in skiing way too many day's in a row... I would think you might rest for a FEW days, then come back fresh. Only then could you try to make a valid assessment of whats really going on... 69" Senate Front Binding: 30.25" DFT: 0.87" Length: 6.865" (tips) Depth: 2.52" Wing: 9 deg. By the way, GREAT SKI!!! -Good Luck! Â
  13. kfennell, watch the vid. and check out the break in your waist on your turn in. Now watch your #1 Ball. notice the body positioning between the two... (and, your turn in is much nicer then your 2,4 & 6 Balls) All of your on-sides are smooth and done with confidence and deliberate execution... On the other hand, your off-side turns are lacking confidence and your deliberate execution seems to be replaced with timidity. (Trust is a Must) I'm sure the quickest way to Heal the off-side would be to simply practice your Pull-out & "Turn-in" over and Over, etc, etc... on open water. Then do full pass runs on Open water. When you can find your groove on Open water, then you might try it in the course while shadowing the Balls maybe 5-10 ft. before the Buoy's and try to maintain that same 5-10 ft. before, all the way thru the course. Keep the Video handy to make sure your still able to do what you were doing on open water before trying to include the Buoy's. The Buoy's are Not our freinds. They are only there to exploit our weaknesses!
  14. "There's a sale at Penny's"... (Airplane)
  15. I'd look at the tip of the ski and try to see how it is responding thru the turn. the leadine edge controls the ski tip on the off-side. i.e. a longer measurment will drive the ski tip down and making quicker, more aggresive turns. A shorter measurment will raise the tip and make a longer, rounder turn... What is the Factory #'s for that ski? I would work from there.
  16. How Long? -depends upon 3 key factors: Information, ability and opportunity... Oh, and enuf Green to support this silly disease!
  17. I can'y help but believe that everyone will have certain inherit qualities that are unique to them and those individual natural abilities and tendancies combined with the basic foundation of a particular Sport will produce a wide variety of perfection. Eric Dickerson had his own Natural upright style that worked very well for him. But, I'll bet if Chris Johnson tried to convert to Eric's style he'd be lucky to stay in the NFL. Tommy "the Hitman" Hearns had a very upright style and knocked most of his opponents out from the outside. Where as Tyson worked from the crouch on the inside. Ali and Leonard worked from all angles. Also, we all have slightly different leverage points and strengths/weakness' that will also contribute to ones inherit tendancies. I'm taller and can certainly see the advantage of CP's technique for someone like me. Â
  18. Alright, I'm in your Boat too! He really is a Great example of leveraged Grace...
  19. Horton, How does CP fit into your standing tall, straight leg example?
  20. It's all good and to some degree we may actually be trying to arrive @ the same conclusion!http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif I 1st need to say that my posts are directed to Roda and others in the like who are working to perfect the -15 and -22 lengths... And yes, to the accomplished skier their are certainly some Basic comparables, some common threads. But, from the view of the 15 offer, these comparisons get Blurred or totally lost. An accomplished skier can take his/her basic foundation from -38 all the way down to -15. But, he will (as you have stated) "Apply" it differently and at different times. Therefore, once again, it does Not compare in the eye's of a 15 offer trying to learn what to apply and when.... Teach a 15 offer with the technique and charactoristics of a well run 15 off pass. Not a well run 38 off pass. You could also never teach a 38 offer to run -38 by only studying a well run 15 off pass. (rhythm, timing, tempo...) re: "The best skiers repeat their (relatively) long lengths again and again to perfection, exactly because the vast majority of it does translate to the shorter line lengths". Yes, they are looking for repeatability. And a "Groove". This is also exactly why it is So important, crucial and imparative even! for the 15 offer to witness and Study the "Groove" of 15 off done properly.  Not the herky, jerky, hack run that they may already be battling. And the -32 or -38 just does not afford them the opportunity to do anything but; #1. Dream about "Some day"... #2. learn to accidently under pull and over reach... #3. practice over turning, then getting pull up/out and finally, learning about "Yardsale OTF's"... 15,22 or 28 should look like Seth or any other Pro who cares to put it on Video. But, it does not look like that same Pro running -32 or 38...Â
  21. Sorry, but I just can't resist!!! The edge change needs to be an automatic and unconscience physical reaction to the effeciency of the Pull by the Boat. And it should hopefully Never be initiated with a conscience move or thought by the skier...(if Done properly, -like Seth is doing.) And this IS what a -15 needs to be shooting for and thus, "Walking before he runs"... *** WARNING*** Any skier who is forcing an edge change before the Buoy is simply not pulling and then managing the Rope/Handle properly in the 1st place. A Proper edge change does not negate an outbound direction. Only poor technique accomplishes that. If a -15 or -22 skier cannot get the right Visual, Tempo, Rhthym, Technique, etc... from a Pro who is skiing at   -15 or -22, then How on Gods green Earth, can he get any value out of watching that same Pro ski at -32 or -38 @ 36 mph?!?! There is NO comparison in the Lengths or the tempo and technique what so ever! All that the short line videos will produce in a Long line skier is; a skier that over compesates the Reach and Counter rotation, under compesates for the Pull and pre-turn and then over turns in the corners creating Fatal Line loads......
  22. Yeah, If you don't Ski Radar, -"NO SOUP FOR YOU"!
  23. Roda, I don't think watching someone who is way out of one's league skiing a speed and Length waaay out of ones League is going to set the right Visual, the right Tempo or the right Rhthym... Yes, the Stacked Leveraged form is what we all need and their Patience and timing are also great. But, Seth actually edge changes in the same place he does at every speed and/or length. He is very patient with his pull, reach, turn and Hook up. He is Not up/down, waving his arms around, bobbling his Head and shoulders. All of this, IS the result of Very Good Technique! This IS what everyone is shooting for @ all speeds and lengths. Personally, I don't want to emulate anyone who is running their Hardest pass.  I would want to See the nuts and Bolts of a very Effecient style, Technique, Speed and Length that I can relate to (and that I would want to be like) doing what I actually do. (Not what I wish I could do...) WTS, I would LOVE to see CP and a Bunch more of the Pro's STEP UP and do what Both Seth and Marcus have already done to help Grow the Sport; Show the Worldl what it looks like to properly run Longer line and slower speeds... -That would be Awesome!!!  THANX SETH and MARCUS!http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif
  24. Kevin, Great job! Sounds like you have got some Good advice to wk. with. So I'll only suggest that you work on trying to find the correct positioning of i.e. "Hips up,"  "Handle Low," "Sq. to the boat," etc... by practicing on open water while freeskiing. The course has enuf things to try to manage on it's own. A proper Leveraged position (Stacked) will be so much easier to find and drill on open water if you can get out there. In fact, most all course disciplines should be smoothed and polished outside of the distractions of the Buoys... Good Luck!  Â
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