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Everything posted by kona

  1. Canoeing in Arkansas, ( insert bangio music here ) Oh wait that's Georgia
  2. I just want a cruiser right now. So I am looking at the Theory with a double vector.
  3. Getting ready to buy a new ski, Price rules my choice. So with that said are there any codes that anyone knows of for online sites/ Any BOS discounts ? Thanks
  4. Is there anything else but skiing ? I was on the water yesterday morning and now it has snowed overnight and I will be on the mountain this morning. If I am not skiing i'm skiing. :) I love Utah.
  5. kona


    Ya I have them but I want a "BOS" shirt
  6. kona


    How about a BOS tee shirt also
  7. Just about the time the northern lakes freeze over. :)
  8. "a boat with a good shortline 36mph wake as well as good slow speed long line wakes, and good trick table are very nearly diametrically opposed. In other words you end up with a severely compromised boat that everyone would have some gripe about." My point exactly it doesn't exists.
  9. "a boat with a good shortline 36mph wake as well as good slow speed long line wakes, and good trick table are very nearly diametrically opposed. In other words you end up with a severely compromised boat that everyone would have some gripe about." My point exactly it doesn't exists.
  10. "Does it seem weird to anyone else that such drastic measures are being taken to improve the wake of a brand new boat? For that kind of $$$ I would expect a boat that skiied great at all speeds/line lengths." That makes me laugh.
  11. My point exactly. So what you need is a golf community with a water storage facility big enough to ski on. Think outside the box.
  12. Other than they have no water Scot, unless you want to build a golf course.
  13. We set a record in SLC with a high of 91f for Sept 30th and it was a great night for football.
  14. And the winner IS ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  15. That is great. Where are you at ? I am a alpine skier first then all else is second to that.
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