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Everything posted by markchilcutt

  1. @jcamp I own a 6.2 at high elevation (5000 ft) and run the 4 blade prop. I skied a 5.7 or it might have been the 5.3 at (3000 ft) it also had the 4 blade prop a few weeks ago. I used B2 on both boats could not tell much of a difference at all and skied right up to my practice average 5 @-35 34mph.
  2. I rarely ski behind nautique as it is not available amongst the peeps I ski with and lack of Utah promo. However I did ski it at regionals and it felt great!
  3. @Jody_Seal did you mean to say 6 buoy deduction for incomplete passes below max speed? Thanks for all the insight everyone. I think we might start working on starting at -22 28mph and see where we end up.
  4. Thanks @MS that is what I thought. Who thinks -22 is easier than -15 at 34mph? Thinking about a new training approach for my girl. I know for me -28 feels like less work than -22 these days.
  5. At western regionals over the weekend while watching my daughter compete in W1 slalom I noticed a lot of the higher ranked W1 skiers were starting at -22 32mph instead of -15 34mph on there opener. Most of them had no problem at -22 34mph and so on down the line. This got me thinking for my daughter who is stuck at 3ball 34mph -15 as her PB. How does scoring work? if my daughter went 28mph -22, 30mph -22, 32mpg -22 and lets say she got 3 buoys -22 34mph. Would this score the same as 3 @ -15 34mph? I know a few years back there was a rule change for G3 B3 and younger that allowed not meeting max speed but shorter line and making an equivalent score to max speed longer line. Does this rule apply for W1? What would my daughters score be for 3 buoys @ -22 At 34mph even though she never hit max speed full pass? Thanks, MC
  6. @skier2788 congrats on winning your M2 slalom at western regionals!
  7. Thanks @colo_skier I think we are all set to start driving back to Utah today. Big big shout out and very special thank you to @skier2788 for reaching out to us and getting us skied! Travis is a super nice guy who was willing to accommodate us at his ski lake! Btw absolutely love your 196 Travis!
  8. At some point we did have to enter the dealer code on my 14 now that I think about it. It was a one time deal and haven't had to since to reset the oil hour meter.
  9. There is a way to reset the oil change on my 14 and I don't need the dealer code. I just reset it last week after changing the oil. Seems like there is a settings menu, then service, then oil change reset. Without my boat in front of me I cant say exactly but any dealer could walk you through it. No idea on the stereo
  10. Thanks to @dvskier and @skier2788 for pointing me to the regional guide. This has been a good look and ask and you can find the answers. Guess i am out of the loop. See attached schedule.
  11. @skier2788 I understand how to use the reports menus and different drop downs. The part a skier cannot see or find is what groups are going first second third etc. I know M4 is the forth slalom group on Friday but the only way I know that is the text messaging between us earlier this week. If you don’t have access to someone on site how would you figure out grouping order? I guess you just call the tournament director? Seems like there should be a way to look it up. Am I still missing something?
  12. So I know me and my daughter ski slalom on Friday. But how would someone figure out roughly what time there group starts? Should a person just plan on being at the lake at 8am to find out there group doesn’t start until 3pm? Am I missing something on the AWSA web pages? Thanks in advance
  13. Hey guys me and my daughter will be driving through Denver and heading west on I-70 back to Utah on July 28th after regionals! Would love to catch a ski ride on our way home if possible! Thanks, Mark
  14. New stuff good! Cant wait to get my dirty little paws on some 19 Vapor!
  15. I have been using Radar boots since the RS-1 through current Vapor. I always remove the liners and let everything dry out after skiing. We live in a dry climate. I ski roughly 80 sets a year. I have only replaced laces. No failures with radar boots for me.
  16. Currently at the following on a 67 2.45 6.98 0.775 30.125 9 deg
  17. @skibrain that is one sweet find! That shape is awesome and yes the fin set up seems spot on!
  18. @Jody_Seal I like what your saying. Show me the next bouy
  19. MasterCraft fixed my 2014 under warranty no question asked. The 5 yr warranty kicks butt
  20. @LeonL I spoke with a tech at Zero Off yesterday. To change my 2014 prostar from dual antenna to single is $450.00 that covers the software change, new puck and puck cable. If you or someone you know doesn't have the required cable to connect from computer to the head unit to perform the software upgrade you will need to purchase it for an additional $250.00.
  21. Help is on its way everyone. Everything is going to work out great!
  22. So what are the differences between the dual and single puck? Do you notice a difference when skiing behind them? If so what do you notice? Thanks,MC
  23. Just got off the phone with ZO. $450.00 for the new single antenna/puck/software. Another $250.00 for the ecom cable to do the software change from dual to single antenna.
  24. bummer my 14 prostar is dual puck! does anyone know if dual can be converted to single?
  25. @brettmainer My daughter is loving her black cuff front reflex and radar RTP. She has been on it for at least 3 seasons and has released from it when needed. I am very happy and thankful my good buddy suggested the reflex in conjunction with a RTP.
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