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Everything posted by richfoster

  1. @adamhcaldwell Since my question from this morning went unanswered ,I’m assuming your set up is top secret ?
  2. @adamhcaldwell Awesome skiing. Do you mind sharing your current fin setting and boot placement ?
  3. ? @horton. Is there a dishonorable mention category?
  4. @scotchipman. I know he has been banned,but hasn’t he contributed a lot of positive,knowledgeable and entertaining content over the years?
  5. Such a great person. He always treated me the same. It didn’t matter who he was with or if I was riding his brand. He will be missed.
  6. @Rpc29 Great,but does that give him a free pass to act like an asshat on this forum? Makes one wonder what he might be up to on other forms of social media.
  7. I love waterskiing and I absolutely hate being cold but snowboarding in fresh powder takes the win. The floating sensation under your feet is phenomenal.
  8. Duh @horton.... Run from the hurricane maybe?
  9. I don't believe that every single procedure can be followed when trying to take down the bad guys. Those agents are putting their lives on the line and I'm sure some rules have to be bent. And of course those that are already convicted are going to lie against him for their own benefit.
  10. Buy a practice ticket and get to the practice lake stupid early. Ski and have the rest of the day to play. Disclaimer - I am not a morning person and rarely use this technique.
  11. I skied a tournament yesterday behind one. I always use b1. Someone told me I should go down a letter,so when I practiced Friday evening I switched back and forth several times between a1 and b1. I decided to go b1 for the first round and with some significant cross wind I was just inside of 4@38. That boat felt strong coming out of the turn but by the second round it didn't seem that bad. But.... I definitely wouldn't say it's my favorite boat.
  12. @LeonL sorry,I guess I was just trying to be positive. Yea Tyler should be talking more,he's a skier. But some people slammed Tony for his job at the Swiss event and I thought he was good. I always like listening to him. Maybe I'm stupid,but I'm just glad that we have something to watch.
  13. I think he does a good job. A lot better than someone who's boring or doesn't know what's going on.
  14. @SkiJay,Based on what you said about the tail characteristics of the KD,should I avoid the binding forward adjustments ?
  15. Looks like a crack and if I paid over 2100 to get that to my door I wouldn't be happy. jmo
  16. No disrespect dave2ball....But you really don't think that the pros are looking for that little edge over each other. If this fin is helping some of the pros then I would think that it has the potential to help some of us short line mortals.
  17. There must be some kind of bad slippage on the Denali website. I am only getting a turquoise blank page.
  18. What's up with the webcast this morning?
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