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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. It's always dangerous to accept something that Andy does as also being best for you. While he has always wanted his foot basically on the ski, he may have near perfect alignment that puts him in an ideal posture and alignment when he does this. That may not be the case for you.
  2. Finally figured out the difference between leaning and pulling. I used to use my arms way too much, and all that would happpen is that I would pull before the ski completed the turn and would get pulled to the front and break at the waist. Once I learned to fully complete the turn and ski my hips back to the handle (instead of trying to pull the handle back to my hips) I could ski with my elbows tucked in at my sides and lean against the pull of the boat with straight arms and the handle at my waist. As a bonus, doing things correctly conserves a ton of energy.
  3. All the Canadians will know this one...J-Craft Pro Ski 19...no wake at all.
  4. Go to www.ski-it-again.com
  5. Guys. It doesn't say that $500,000 is the total revenue either. It says that is the revenue from skiing, it also says that there is a pro-shop and ten guest units. I have no idea if the businessis profitable, but I would doubt that it is priced at three times revenue. I would also doubt if that it's a big money maker.
  6. only gym class etc for me. Messed around with it once and a while at track practice...had the hops but not the height. Having said that I was once at a high school track meet and watched a guy who competed for Canada at the Pan-Am games while still in highschool jump 7 feet. And...he was about 5'9...that shot the hell out of my excuses.
  7. Had a bad shoulder seperation the previous winter while snow skiing. Had reconstructive surgery in March. Waterskied carefully for the first half of summer. Then I started to feel really good and the shoulder felt strong. One day as I pulled across the wake, I heard (and felt) a huge pop. I snapped a big add titanium screw. For my troubles I was honoured with an additional surgery to remove the broken screw.
  8. Jordan


    There is a lot more than just having the molds in order to decide what and how much to produce. The company has to decide the best use of its' resources. That includes labor, manufacturing space, production slots, capital. marketing, available margin versus other production choices etc There are also likely unique parts made by outside suppliers for each particular model. These would likely have minimum order requirements. A limited, dip your toe in the water approach appears reasonable enough.
  9. Being Canadian, I'll throw in a vote for Whistler Blackcomb. Huge, epic and already loaded with snow. They have already received about 18' of snow so far.
  10. Hey Chef I feel ya- I also have a daughter that is a competitive figure skater and a son who plays AAA hockey. Lots and lots of time spent in rinks.
  11. 1993 Mastercraft Prostar 190 with 310 hp LT-1
  12. @AB That, is a solid reponse! "Shirley" it can...
  13. ***1. Thou shalt not complain about they wife's driving.*** How do you do that ?! ;-)
  14. @mr_pretzel Jets have terrible hole shots and the power doesn't come on in a linear fashion. At first the jet pump feels like a slipping prop, then the pump spools up and it takes off They also track really poorly. Outboards are way better.
  15. Jet boats basically suck for waterskiing.
  16. Mastercraft Barefoot 2000 is an outboard that also happens to be really good slalom boat. They are only available used. and can be hard to find but they are out there. Outboards deal with salt much better than inboards.
  17. It seems that being square to the boat is what allows his ski to move from in between the handle and the boat out to the edge change without having to rotate his upper body. In an old school closed position, this would happen later because the rope would force you to rotate your upper body at the end of your long pull. Nate is done with his pulling phase so early that he probably couldn't rotate his upper body in time to facilitate the edge change, if he was closed to the boat. It no doubt helps that he appears to be made of rubber. He has no problem having his ski point one way and his torso another...my back would break - lol
  18. New Boss same as the old Boss!
  19. I would guess that the move ultimately promotes a quicker turn by (pre) loading the tip...the sooner the turn is completed the sooner he can start accelerating. If it does 'load the tip" for the turn, maybe it allows him to set-up the ski with less tip than he would otherwise need...allowing for faster cross course speed?????
  20. That's too bad. I could see why he would want to sell for redevelopment, but if that's not available he may soften over a lease arrangement. I hope that this works out for you guys.
  21. Should try to work out a lease arrangement with the guy and operate as a non-profit club. Better deal for the guy than having it just sit there.
  22. I wonder if entering the turn with a low rope encourages a finish where the body is lower so that there is a lower lean away from the boat almost immediately after the turn is completed? I notice in the videos of Nate that he establishes a huge amount of lean away from the boat and he does it exceptionally early.
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