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Posts posted by Mateo_Vargas

  1. How about There is No Place Like Home Open? Yes I am worst skier in the nation but it was a fun event to watch. I've skied in 13 nationals and the ones where there were nasty conditions are the ones I remember the best. At least everyone had the same conditions which hasn't always been the case in the past.
  2. Classic prank Horton. Excellent use of the holiday weekend to make Smart wait another day. When I saw him Saturday he couldn't stand it that his box was sitting at UPS. I was on the phone with him today and gave him Badal's number when it arrived. I think it went better than you planned.
  3. I just switched to the single plate and I'm not sure if this was an intentional feature but noticed there is a 1/4" dia hole which is exactly 13" from the front boot measuring point. If you have a rear boot mounted you can measure the distance from the center of the hole to the tail of the ski and add 13" without removing the back boot for the measurement. Is everyone else getting 13"? Love the 1/2 hole adjustments and the ability to make them quickly.
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