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Everything posted by bxroads

  1. I'm 5'8" 195 and the 67" Theory is awesome. I went with double Strada boots and absolutely love them.
  2. What program are you guys using to convert the youtube video and then what program are you using to view the video after conversion from youtube?
  3. Maybe I read to fast but I didn't see anything that insinuated that Bud Man was going to return a ski.
  4. The 69" Synchro will float a heavier skier better than any ski out there. It performs well too.
  5. Bud man, is that a '95 - '97 190? They may not track as well as the more recent boats and also have quite a bit more of bow rise but does it even have a wake?
  6. Imagine the possibilities with bracelet on it and staying in a Holiday Inn Express........
  7. Jody, email me the pictures and I'll post them up. bxroads@hotmail.com
  8. Water Ski BFN! Not a hotel with 60 miles. No permanent residence on the property, just a few camp houses. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5098/5493466324_0564c05ec5_b.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5215/5492894605_482b559b0b_b.jpghttp://farm6.static.flickr.com/5215/5492894605_482b559b0b_b.jpg
  9. Doubt you will make it to south AL but if your safari should venture this way I could introduce you to my slice of heaven on earth.
  10. http://www.overtons.com/assets/images/products/large/16647_L1.jpg
  11. As an old man just getting into skiing, I watch the performance wide ride market with interest. I see Obrien has a new Synchro this year. The picture of the ski on the Obrien website looks pretty much like the original (which I have). But I was just browsing a new Overtons catalog which has the new Synchro and it looks totally different thant the ski on Obrien's website. Does anyone have any scoop on this ski and when it will be available? Though its in the catalog its showing out of stock.  And don't get your panties in a wad, I won't be buying any skis from Overtons.http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif http://www.overtons.com/assets/images/products/large/16647_L1.jpg
  12. Black's my color so I guess the front it will be.  I've been looking for some black, cool looking T's which is why I was all over this. My wife likes it on the front so I guess thats a good thing.Â
  13. Horton, I ordered and received a BOS T shirt. Sweet! I like it a lot. That said, I've always had a phobia of graphics on my chest.  Any chance there will be a run with the graphics on the back of the shirt?
  14. Jody, what does Scott's SN have in it? Isn't his a 1992? That is one sweet tow.Â
  15. Was she behind the brick house 200?
  16. ......and sometimes War Dam Eagle!Â
  17. Like kfennell, I was recently in this stage myself. I've improved dramatically by getting out of the course and working on drills. Like fennell said, hips up, hips up, hips up. Easier said than done.   Run the boat through the course but have her pull outside the balls and stay outside the balls down the length of the course in a hips up, pull position.  Repeat, repeat, repeat on both sides until she's comfortable in a good pulling position. Once she's comfortable in the position have her start just outside the wake and pull out wide (not crossing the wake), repeat, repeat, repeat. Do this on each side until she feels comfortable pulling out and is in a good position. When all of this starts to click have her pull accross the wake. Start just outside the white water and pull to the end of the white water on the other side of the wake.  I learned that the pull behind the boat is like dribbling a basketball, there are hundreds of different techniques to work on but until you can dribble there's no sense to work on a running jumper.Â
  18. Jody, it doesn't get much better than the Twilight Zone, private lakes included......
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