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Posts posted by bxroads

  1. Jody, I just want to ski.  You're always dissing me.   Are you ashamed for me to be in your boat with a powervest?http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif
  2. MS, I will add this too.  From experience, its unreal how many more passes you can run with the vest vs without it.  I'd say its at least a 2 to 1 ratio and probably more like 3 to 1.   There is a definite stamina advantage.   My wife has grown to be not as fond of it as I.  She stays in the drivers seat to long!

  3. "I dont think the vest should not be bought our used, I just dont think it should be allowed in any head to heads. Practice and ski tourneys all you want with them on, but take it off for the head to heads. "

     I'm not a competive skier but from a layman's perspective you have a valid point.  But the fact that its available to everyone is the counter to that argument.  Maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal if the powervest was at the same price point as a regular vest.  Or would it be a bigger deal because more people would have them.

  4. "You talk about saving the sport but you will not support the sport and join the AWSA? That does not make any sense"

     Dude, slow down.  Who said I would not support the sport or join AWSA?  Thats the first time I've ever been asked.   And it was a hell of a way to be asked. 

  5. "I do not think the PV is going to save the sport of waterskiing,"

    I am proof that it has saved skiing on my lake.  There's a good chance I wouldn't have bought the vest if I had the impression it was "cheating" and I was definitely getting out of skiing without the vest.

     I am not an awsa member. 

  6. I see it way more complex than that.  Tournament use will promote it.  Promotion will increase purchases by recreational guys like myself.  Recreational guys like myself create skiers of the future.  I've severe tendonitis and was selling out until I discovered the Powervest.  Now I can ski and the pain is managable.  I've set up a course and I've the only ski boat on the lake.  I've tought at least five kids to ski just this summer.  A couple of them show interest and have nice ability.  Just this year we would have lost at least five skiers if it were not for the Powervest.



  7. I am not a tournament skier, but from my perspective and based on my observations, anything that increases participation is a good thing.  I see tournament results posted all of the time with only a couple of particpants in each class.  Its a dying sport and any device that makes its easier to particpate should be welcomed by those who do not want to see it die.  Heck, the only direct drive my local dealer has ever stocked is the 200 and thats only because CC required it.  I want to see more skiers and ski boats.  Do I think the powervest could make that happen?  Its definitely a step in the right direction and banning it from competition is a step in the wrong direction.
  8. I started slalom skiing last year and chose the Synchro with the factory issue Targa bindings.  It was great for a beginner.  Last week I bought a Strada front boot (use rtp) and Senate C.  The Strada boots came in several days before the Senate C so I put them on the Synchro.  It really brought the ski alive, I was pleasantly surprised.  Today I skied the Senate C for the first time.  I was a little anxious because all I've ever skied was the massive Synchro, the Senate C appears half its size and feels half as light.  To my surprise I popped right up on it and got comfortable quick (with the exception of the massive amounts of water I took in through my nose on the start.  The big Synchro didn't do that).  I didn't fall once (probably wasn't skiing hard enough).  I didn't get in the course, just free skied at 30 mph but I have no doubt it is much more course capable.   Everything about the ski felt better to me.  It felt like going from a SUV to a Corvette.  The only advantage that the Synchro has is stability, but the Senate C is plenty stable.

     Knowing what I know now, I was late switching to the more performance oriented Strada boot and the Senate C.   If you are comfortable on a ski of any kind, I say go with the Senate C without a doubt, don't be scared of it. 

    As a beginner I've been skiing with the philosophy of making six turns at the balls and eventially they will come.  With the Synchro I was only up to 3 balls at 30mph.  I have no doubt that all six will soon come with the Senate C and Strada boot. 

    FWIW, I am 37 years old , 5'8" 195 lbs and the 67" Senate C felt fine to me at 30 mph.   Why did I start this so late in life?


  9. I'm in SE Alabama around Dothan.  I ski on a private lake.  My issues are the opposite as yours.  I'm the only one with access to use the place and I'm limited to skiing by myself.  My wife pulls me but doesn't ski.  It's not a bad problem to have but sometimes I wish I had other skiers for tips and encouragement.



  10. I've been in numerous hunting clubs and the same type of issues come up.  It's inherent to a club and there's really no way to avoid it.  You will always have givers and takers.  We've tried everything and learned that you can't create enough rules, and more rules = less fun.  The method that ended up working the best was the organizer (you) went to a system where membership prices were not set in stone and were pretty much arbitrary.  He'd raise the amount for the slackers and explain to them the reasons why their amount was higher.  If he got tired of dealing with it he'd price them out.  If they were willing to pay it then the extra cash was used to compensate for their short coming. 

     Sounds like you have a nice setup.  Wish you were in SE alabama.

  11. I received the Strada boot a few days ago and like I've seen other's mention, its definitely cramped in the toe.  Mine does not have the liner issue I've seen discussed, its just a tight fit.  I'm a true 8.5 and the boot is a 9.  The fit is good everywhere else so I don't think going up to a 10 is the answer.  That said, maybe it is because when I put my foot on the removeable footbed/insole my toes slightly overhang the footbed.  I've heated the liner and got definite improvement, but its still cramped. 

    I've seen mention of cutting out the toe.  Has anyone tried it yet?  Would cutting the toe out of the liner work or will you have to cut the boot as well?

    Should I try a size larger?

    Thanks in advance!

  12. I just talked to Tadd and the Strada is on the way.  He said going from the 69" Synchro/Targa to the 67" Senate C/Strada will be like going from a mini van to an Indy car and encouraged lots of free skiing first.  I know at my skill level I'm not ready for it but excited none the less.



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