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liquid d

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Posts posted by liquid d

  1. @scuppers If you put 600 grass carp in, they did not survive. Grass carp recommendations are about 2 per acre. Several things can kill them: not acclimated to the water and shocked them, carp too small to start with and become a buffet for bass are the main issues. Get them in the 12 inch range. Hydrilla is like candy to them.
  2. lz5tu6sdil2s.jpg


    Last night was small Celebration of Marc's life with his old softball team. We're called "Bye Week". Missing from the photo was Curt Rabe, and Don West who weren't in town.

    We had a bunch of laughs at one of Marc's favorite pre-game, and after game spots...The Winghouse! We also had a sweet foofoo shooter in his honor...he would order the girliest drinks sometimes!

    Marc was the only guy we ever had that would get full swing bunts (little dribblers) and still get on 1st base because he was damn fast.... and that speed worked in the outfield too!


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