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Posts posted by jayski

  1. Just sold my '07 LXI and got a TXI, defintely a better boat...Wakes are better as Scott said at long line and shorter too, improvement in the motor in relation to the pull (had ZO in the '07 too) not sure if they bumped up the horses a bit. Raised seat height is great in conjunction with the reworked windshield, aids in coaching/talking to skiers over the side, Maliview is sweet if your a techie guy, pretty cool options for displays and controlling everything from there even watching movies, same thing with the MTC...Driving is marginally better, both handle and track amazingly well and would argue to the end that when it comes to manuvering high or low speed that the Malibu is better than the rest. Spray is less and the boat is less susceptible to a one sided lean with a heavier driver on board. The TXI is good improvment and worth the extra coin, but you won't go wrong with the LXI, especially a newer demo if you can pick one up...
  2. @Skijay good thing you got a rating in the south! Just buggin ya! Stop hyping yourself up, thinking about Nats being there this year and everything, go ski some different sites/tourneys, SV is on the 24th, and get the anxiety out of ya before you ski, do something physical (bike/run) to work off that pre ski pump a bit...
  3. @Razorskier 1 his gate pullout is fine, skibug don't change it, same pullout movements as Rossi, blocking at the gate creates a large amount of speed in a short period of time. The pullout your describing requires much more effort and a longer duration to create the same result...I have done both and the former is much more efficient, the only issue with it is that too much can be created too easily...



  4. Somethig to consider...


    first off centered on the ski is important, if your in a balanced, centered position with the way skis are designed today it's money, front foot pressure is antiquated and ineffective with todays products (maybe on a wide ride you can get away with it as it has lots of surface area for support but still not as effective)...


    the two biggest things that I see is on your gate you create all your load wide, start your pullout a 1/2- full boat length earlier than the pre gates with that style of gate, turn in gradually leading with your right hip and feel your the pressure increase as you approach the wakes, not all out at buoy width, there you should feel nothing...what rythym you start with here is what you get through the course...


    the second thing is the time spent on your pulling edge is excesive, center of the boat is the max, from there it's time to edge change and carry direction outward...as you feel the first wake think edge change...with this you will have enough speed for the width required and with proper outbound direction that your turns will not be hard loading course width ones...


    there are other things to point out but with what your doing at the moment will not facilitate the actions of open or counter...

  5. Keep your speed high, edge change beggining at first wake, slack at the buoy is a failure to carry direction outward and a resulting hook turn instead of carrying that speed you have created outward and through the turn..


  6. Just sold my '07 and looking for a new or newer one, any leads would be appreciated, location irrelevant as long as it's US/Canada, already been through SIA, just thought maybe one lurking around somewhere available ASAP...THX!
  7. @MS no need to put "in jest" into your post, it is an absolute factor, if he comes out and does poor it totally reflects on the ski...consumers absolutley relate to a products results. If he came out and cleaned everyone AM skis would have numerous orders immediatley.


    It's funny how many here blame the "few" who voiced their negative opinion with Andy skiing, their not to blame...


    People who are confronted with negativism make their own choice on which direction to go, to me, chosign to pull out shows zero lack of commitment, desire and drive to accomplish something if it relates to actually skiing as the letter says...


    if it's a business decision because the ski's may not be 100% ready or he's not 100% ready then fine, acceptable and the smart and proper choice...

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