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Everything posted by unksskis

  1. I'd take a 205 over that Moomba any day of the week....
  2. Check out their video released yesterday of team rider Harley Clifford doing a wake to wake double tantrum (actual backflip, not a trick backflip). That had only been done previously off of a double up by less than a handful of riders.
  3. I'm 155-160lbs, and on the 66.5", a little long but haven't had any trouble turning it so far, I think it has a better rocker line. 36mph.
  4. because you scared all the wakeboarders who know the bikini's away from your private lake and called them names...... for almost 2 decades now......
  5. Not knocking a sponsor, because I support them too, but having both the Oneill UV hoodies and the Eagle/H2O Sports version, the Oneill is incredibly more breathable and overall cooler temperature wise. I can wear it on the hottest day, where the Eagle seems less breathable, and is a bear to wear on the hot days. Just some user info
  6. Thank you for the other viewpoint, good information. I had heard similarly on the SPF, but heard that it was anything about 30SPF is useless and not any more protection.
  7. Great feedback from a judge, thanks KLindy!
  8. that would not be considered, "sliding up the ramp", he got punted and kicked up by the ramp. So no, this is much worse than over-correcting and throwing your tips down at the last second.
  9. My point is, the article has no details as far as what happened. I doubt anyone on here, including myself, knows any detail of what happened. Yet there are posts in regards to their intelligence, IQ, etc. You're right, it is good to have the discussion, I just find it bad taste that the article be used, when it's the least detailed report I think I've ever seen.
  10. I guess I don't see where that story really relates to why jet skis should be banned. You can go and find one about people in in-boards, or v drives, or a fishing boat. I don't like pwc's just like the rest of you, but I think it's in poor taste to use a family's loss to ignite a one sided discussion.
  11. FYI, the Prostar 205 was an AWSA approved towboat. Doesn't have 196 wakes, but has pretty decent slalom wakes, especially compared to the 190's of similar years. The 96-98 is the same hull that the original X-star, or 205V have. Slalom it will get the job done, and for wakeboarding the shape is nearly perfect, and the size is easy to get good enough for most wakeboarding. It is, in my opinion, the best all around multi-sport boat ever made, however the new Sport 200V could be the next, but there's no way I can afford one of those at this time.
  12. No one said anything about safety being around. The point is a simple rule was broken. Is it dumb? Yes. But you can't just turn a blind eye because it's dumb, it's still a rule.
  13. But to counter that, if a rule is broken, was it the only one? Not knocking the crew at all, all top notch I know, but for a legitimate world record, if this was in France/Brazil/Mexico I bet you would be singing a different tune, and pointing out that if such an easy rule is not followed, what others were bent or broken..... A skier should not be punished, nor should have to worry about checking small things like the shock tube, but there is also a reason so many people go to specific tournaments to challenge records, and that's the quality of the officials and crew.
  14. Stay on that ski or go to an A2 if you really feel you need to change skis
  15. He skis with a lot of guys, but I'd think his main influence has been Tynan, as well as vice versa.
  16. I just got the app, and thoroughly enjoy it, thank you for providing it. My only comment, and I think it kind of goes with what you're above post was saying, is the random basically "twitter" post or chatter that seemed to clog it up. It would be score after score, and then some random comment that I still don't get why people post that kind of stuff anyway. Similar with the twitter feed, I just wonder if sometimes the people posting realize/remember that a lot of people are going to see what they put. Anyway, thanks again for providing the App, very worthwhile.
  17. Thread hijack. Webbdawg, I'm on a borrowed A1 as well, and am trying to decide whether to stick with the A1, or go with the A2. Have you tried the A2 yet? It's said to have the best of the A1 but better onsides I believe. I'm comfy on the A1, so I'm not sure on making a change just to do so. Thanks
  18. true point, just don't like it
  19. possibly, maybe not, but what about after dropping the skier, bumping up speed or changing settings, now the driver looks down and to the right, all while still navigating the boat to avoid shore, skier, etc.
  20. I still do not understand the logic in moving something that a driver may/will look or at least glance at, down and to the right, rather than in front of the driver.
  21. I don't think I saw a Goode at all. It was a wide variety, but yes, Strada's and A2's would be what I noticed the top guys riding. Def not many if any Goodes
  22. I've run into the same problem, sending a link prompts a needed password, so to get people there I've had to direct to the main site and give step by step instructions. The company are great people, a joy to meet with at Nationals, but I think expectations need to be set a little lower, as I think they were under a certain impression as to how many people will purchase the photos and at what type of pricing structure.
  23. I am very impressed with the jump photos, great angle and what-not. Tricks leave something to be desired, you can tell the photographer/picture selector (different people actually), don't really know tricks as far as what's about to come or what would be a good picture to select. The prices are not impressive, these aren't wedding pictures.... I understand having to make ends meet, but it's almost more of a shot in the foot in my opinion.
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