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Everything posted by TylerR

  1. @mattp if you would respond to texts someone would have already paid u to do just that since his calipers broke 2 weeks ago and I need my fin returned to stock after shipping it cross country.
  2. @scuppers ill send u an email tonight I need a set as well
  3. @horon ooo can I do a real unboxing movie with the three legged cat?
  4. @horton what are we to do with free time on our hands?? If I drive to Bakersfield can I just stand outside ur house and shout sarcastic comments at you?
  5. @horton do I get a cool title for going into negative points?
  6. @horton you are the test ski god. Your reviews are gospel... A new person would have to build credibility.
  7. I second Jody's comments that's your best bet and probably some of the friendliest people who will ever give you a pull.
  8. @horton rabble rabble rabble... We should all ski more and argue less type of comment.
  9. That's not really a problem it's more like the start of a really good injury story.
  10. We should all embrace the new system. @horton is always right, therefore this must be a good idea. Notice I have no stars, because I really am more likely to spill whiskey on your ski than to actually help you get any better, unless someone can prove that killing brain cells = better skier, so all must be right with the world.
  11. @horton what about those of us more likely to spill whiskey on your ski than help improve your skiing? What special gifts do we get?
  12. @mattp I mean comeon that's funny. In alll seriousness congrats on your first one
  13. I would bet they are going to have color options in the near future..
  14. @horton... i was trying not to make the easy joke.
  15. @horton second your comments.... my form still looks ugly.... ugly... ugly... but my elbows hurt less since i made the swich.
  16. other people have all the luck in life...
  17. i really need a 3 legged cat so i can start making these...
  18. @horton I know it had just been a week since I razzed u
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