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Everything posted by mylemsky

  1. @Marco, a second to @MattP, the plate definitely has some pivot adjustment, the binding itself I am not sure. I am on my second season with the Reflex front/r-style rear. Happy with them both, very comfortable and confident on releases. On the r-style I 86'd the stock liner, I bought the short silver liner, punched holes, and laced a bungee. I got the idea from someone that had one advertised on SIA. I crank the bungee, but run r-style buckles loose, obtaining the snugness and comfort of a hard shell and the release characteristics of a toe loop. Won't lie, first time trying to get up on them I fell...true story. Took a 2 sets to get used them fore and aft. Myles
  2. Now that we are off of the second wake, skiing away from the buoy, do i let the boat's pull on the handle dictate when I begin my reach and initiate the turn? I tend to rush my reach, resulting in slack. Apologies if this boarder lines another thread of its own. @ilivetoski thanks for starting thread, I think we are at similar spots in the course. Thanks to others for the great intel.
  3. Through reading what everyone's off season training looks like, I know there are some Ballers that cycle, I am hoping you can shed some light. I bought a Redline Monocog this past September, just to mix up the fitness. Unfortunately I am hooked and I am the process of making the transition to a carbon road bike. Hopefully it does not interfere with my newly acquired buoy addiction. I would never leave my Z7ST in the boat, Thule box, or the back of my Subaru on a sunny day with fear of any undo stress of heat on the ski. Should the same logic be carried over to keeping the bike in the back of the car? Thank you in advance. Myles
  4. +1 on the pull ups, plus they work so much more. Personally, if over done, can overwork the elbows if doing palms away too much. I like the towel idea to mix up the grip. Also, if you have access to kettle bells, start with an 18 and do an overhead press with bottoms up...all grip.
  5. @AB Do you rely on Dual Lock or bindings for release? Thanks
  6. Men's, *******, source- twitter months ago Ladies-I think Nat B?
  7. Sounds like an animal. Just found this one. Not HD, not from behind the boat, and not glass either. TMo and Will Asher, the two of them just nasty.
  8. while we are at it....Claire Lise...it is 2009, on a fischer I think, she does have the sweet black and white reflex I want for christmas
  9. @skibrain, technique is solid
  10. Disconnect the oil pressure sensor, see if this works Sounds like the same thing we had. though it was fuel as well, ended up being something simple. Boats goes into "don't run me mode" Would actually run for a bit, halfway around the lake it would die and surge from 0-10mph. So frustrating, and you look like a jackass. We waste 2 months trying to figure it out, finally called skidim.com, saviors. Good luck.
  11. I am a fan of a strong one word name. If weren't used so much in the snow ski world, I think in CO and UT, alpine guys can correct me, Glory Hole would work nice. I also like Sanctuary (listened to lots of Cult today) "the" may not even be necessary, works great for Pangea, Okeeleehee (sp?) Not to steal @Chuck Dickey, but go straight Albritton, it is strong, use it. Gotta think about when it is the subject of conversation: "got a new pb today at Glory Hole" "there is always glass at Sanctuary" and of course, wife speaking "I never see you, all you care about is Albritton", Gotta think about T shirts too: "Get your swerve on at Sanctuary" And lastly the annual tournament you will host "The Albritton Night Jam". Your putting lights in right?...kidding Congrats on the new site.
  12. @inland I have a CoXsl 67" blank for sale. 300 shipped to 48.
  13. Pretty cool to see on Chet's gate/on-side, he really throws his ski out in front of him. @jdarwin check http://www.webcast-tv.com/DiabloShoresProAm/video/1719 a majority of the ladies (rather look at the ladies than the guys) all take their palm down hand and rotate down going into their respective off side through the reach. I have kept my thoughts together enough to be able to think of trying to do this a couple of passes. I have found it not only promotes a low handle and progression of speed off of second wake, but also puts me in good position to reach down course, level shoulders because of a naturally upward reach with rotated hand, and being countered. my $.02. Perhaps the ladies reasoning is nothing near this, would love to ask.
  14. @ChuckDickey That is the plate it come on from H2OProshop and yes, it can swivel.
  15. @ChuckDickey That is the plate it come on from H2OProshop and yes, it can swivel.
  16. @ chuckdickey Sure thing. I answered you incorrectly regarding canting, to my knowledge there is not built in adjustment.
  17. @ chuckdickey Sure thing. I answered you incorrectly regarding canting, to my knowledge there is not built in adjustment.
  18. @ral yes, I do use a retainer clip, came with the bungee. @chuckdickey sorry for the delay on the photos.
  19. @chuck dickey I will get a pic. I have not released with my rear foot in, but I can get in the front with the release resting on the rear binding, there is plenty of clearance. The rear plate is adjustable left/right.
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