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Posts posted by jwroblew

  1. When my son was in sports, off at college now, I found other parents to share the load. They would take him to practice and I would pick him and the other kids up. This would give me a 2 hour window to get some sets in. My daughter is in gymnastics currently, practices 3 days a week for 2.5 hours, 4:00 to 6:30 I'll either take her and do some cardio while I wait then we both go skiing, (her skiing suffers a little if she goes real hard at gymnastics) or I'll drop her off my wife will pick her up while I go skiing. Our family dinners during the week suffer but we have all winter to make that time up...
  2. To much reading in this post, so sorry if this was already posted. Gate video should be like collage football review. If it can be done before the skier goes then so be it, if not than you continue on as normal and they lose the opportunity to review it. This may even help the skier, lets say I am pretty sure I missed the gate, instead of waiting for the boat timer I go as soon as I drop and they shorten the rope, this would give the video guys little to no time to pull my gates.
  3. I would say no wing, I don't agree with @MrJones on max speed and 28' off comment though. I'm guessing a 63.5" ski is still quite large for the 7 year old, so you may need one before she gets to 30mph 15' off.


  4. even if you found a safer / taller marker, what do you do about the displacement caused by the boat. In this example it kind of looks like a miss, but could't the buoy have been displaced by the boat causing it to look like a miss, maybe if the buoy was in it's "original" position it would have been viewed as a make. Seems to me there should be some technology like GPS or survey equipment that could be used as the actual call of a miss or make instead of a floating ball that can get displaced, use the ball as a reference point for the skier.
  5. I agree with @bogboy, just want to add if you swim and look forward to much you will arch your back and that may cause your back muscles to become tight, you want to keep your chin down and look at the bottom of the pool
  6. A little off topic but not much, is any-buddy using anything to get rid of the muck at the bottom of the lake, if so what? The muck is a food source for the weeds / algea, reducing the food source should reduce the plant growth, right?
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