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Everything posted by Nando

  1. @MS- yesterday and today, then, it looks like fall starts Saturday.
  2. Love the instructions at the bottom of the ad on how to make a scale jump ramp. @Jody_Seal, I was told you went to check on him and found him- tough duty, man...
  3. That's very sad news. I was his water guy for setting courses for several pro tour events, which was fun work. My lasting memory of him is standing behind the total station with a pile of empty beer and soda cans around him. A legend lost...
  4. I did seven terms as pres of my state association (plus three as VP) and still hold a grudge that the INT screwed up what was our primary tournament site for us by disrespecting the few homeowners on it, the city officials who tried to help them out, and the county parks people who ran the park they used. It took ten years to get back there, so I'm skeptical that a new governing body would be better. I do think that by trying to be everything to everyone, USAWS is doing skiers a disservice.
  5. @Jordan- those look fantastic, but what's the approximate cost? Doesn't seem to fit @Horton's question, but I like it...
  6. I've never heard of anyone being sued, but... I used to work for a county that required half a million in coverage, with the county being named as co-insured. We tried to convince the county attorney to remove that provision, but she wouldn't budge. The guys I ski with, with courses in that county, say it didn't cost any more than insuring themselves, which surprised me.
  7. I have a $2M umbrella liability policy that covers the course, as well as other liabilities, like (my fear) that some neighborhood kid would wander out on my dock, fall in, and drown, or other lake-related things. It's cheap- a few hundred $ per year tacked onto my homeowners policy. We used to have a club and get insurance through AWSA, but discussed it with my agent and he said he could provide better coverage for less.
  8. There was a pink and tourquoise American Sker promo in Wisconsin about that year. It was some special edition they had with a flamingo and palm tree motif. Took the owner a couple of years to sell it. I ski occasionally behind an ‘86 American Sker and while the wake is not bad, the spray at anything shorter than -32 is awful- as mentioned, especially in a head wind.
  9. George was a bit early to fit Horton’s definition, but fits the underrated/under appreciated definition. I believe he won two world overall titles but what I liked best about him was that he competed in jumping at the worlds wearing cutoff jean shorts and a life vest, no wetsuit, certainly no jump suit, no helmet, just out there skiing.
  10. @Horton, just sayin' that if you ask a lot of serious skiers, he's either down their list of all-timers or they forget about him. I'm with you- not just a titan, but a LONG-TIME titan of the sport.
  11. Not exactly unknown, but Jeff Rogers has always seemed underrated, or at least overshadowed, to me. The guy held the world record and always had a day job. He's such an unassuming guy that I think he kind of gets overlooked.
  12. We use one that uses screw anchors, a subfloat approximately 4' down, and a counterweight that goes through a loop on the buoy. our counterweights are 16 oz. solo cups filled with concrete. These keep the buoys floating just about half submerged and allow for wave action and fluctuating lake levels. Obviously for tides, you need to allow more room for fluctuation, but the principles are the same. I've set up courses with Ed and we've basically copied his system, though he sometimes uses adjusters that are like old-fashioned tent guy adjusters.
  13. @Jody_Seal- love that CG Ricky McCormick Trick-Master- from when boards were really boards!
  14. I disagree on one point- I think there are a lot of skiers out there who are skiing on narrow courses- generally portables or cable-type courses with sagging booms- and are using narrow balls as a training device without even knowing it. Not a thing for private lakes, but there are a lot of casual buoy-chasers who get to tournaments and can't duplicate their practice scores ;) .
  15. If you want to get fancier than an inner tube, go to a dive shop and get fin straps- they are a little more durable and a bit more contoured and still pretty cheap. Mine has a nice little tab I can grab to pull it up into place.
  16. @bananaron, I had to go to Google translate to find that the sign above the sauna door just translates to "steam room". Nice setup- do you have a hole in the lake to jump into? :#
  17. @Orlando76, you may as well have named names and though I hate to say it as I'm one of their long-time, loyal guys, I think you're right on the money (pun intended).
  18. Yikes! I use those anchors for my course- no way you can put enough tension on them to pull an adult- halfway to full extension you'd have a pointed projectile heading your way. Maybe on an indoor pool you could just attach it to a doorknob :D
  19. Have skied for over 30 years with them and never lost one skiing (I take 'em out on those rare occasions when I foot). I did tear one when I got hit in the eye with a june bug while pulling out for my gate- the doc said the lens probably kept me from getting a worse cornea scratch. I also had one come out in a big OTF where I also got a concussion- it was hanging on my eyelash when they hauled me out of the water. Much nicer to see when you ski...
  20. Safest binding? Gotta be this one:
  21. Here's a link to invaluable information for anyone who may consider visiting South Canada: https://www.pbs.org/video/tpt-documentaries-how-talk-minnesotan/ . It's a little long and a little dated, but may help anyone considering a visit avoid critical mistakes like the one that got me detained at the border once when returning from Real Canada- I said "Eh" in line at customs and the helpful customs agent wouldn't believe I wasn't from Canada with " an accent like that".
  22. Nando

    New fin?

    @Wish's does seem remarkably similar- at least in concept... How much trial and error went into the shape of the cutouts? Or is this just extremely advanced hydrodynamic modeling???
  23. Back to Cory, one of the most amazing things I saw him do was at a Nationals in the ‘80s. Just before the start of Open tricks, I was walking with a guy who knew him pretty well and here comes Cory using his trick ski like a platter to hold this huge burrito he was munching on. He stopped to talk a minute, as he finished it, then said he’d better get going and a few minutes later won the event. A little different prep than I’d imagined...
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