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Posts posted by B_S

  1. Thanks @AdamCord. Not many weeks of skiing left up here in MI, so I'm just anxious to try the fin before I have to winterize the boat! Will you be at the Big Dawg finals at Lake Jepawhit this weekend? I was planning on stopping by for a bit on Saturday to check it out...
  2. Mine still shows order awaiting processing, and I'm quite a bit before 284. I guess having bought a c-65 last summer at full price doesn't help...Trying to be patient and understanding, but lack of feedback after hearing they'd ship 2 weeks ago is wearing thin, TBH.
  3. Great article. I have bad scoliosis, with a s curve of about 45 degrees each, after surgery at 15 and 8 fused vertabrae from T3 to T11. Slalom skiing has always been a double edged sword for me, giving my back and core in general great strength, but also exacerbating the mentioned issues. The older I get, the more lower back pain I get. I find keeping the hip flexors stretched is critical in keeping the pain in check during ski season.
  4. I was going to say the same thing @Chef23 said. If you're using a tournament style, non USCGA vest, switch back to a USCGA vest. Last year, after going probably close to 30 years without missing a deep water start, I missed a few over a couple week period. I had been using an Eagle, which had worked ok for most of the summer, but then I got a new ski, and the combination of the 2 gave me fits! I finally swallowed my pride (instead of water) and went back to my old vest with better flotation, and I haven't missed a start since.
  5. I experience that occasionally. Usually it's when my allergies are worse and my lungs feel like they are congested. Also the breathing thing during the run. Sometimes I really need to remind myself, and I work on inhale crossing wakes/preturn, exhale at end of turn. Too tight of vest, especially those Eagles!, can contribute as well. Hot muggy air seems to make things worse, too.
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