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Posts posted by B_S

  1. Have you looked at the area where the cable connects to the rudder? Could be something jammed in there. I stored my boat in a friends barn one winter. Turns out there was a big bag of walnuts in the barn, and squirrels ate them in my boat all winter. I had hundreds of shells in my bilge area that literally took years to clear out. One time my steering jammed up like that, and sure enough, some shells made there way back to that area and jammed up the linkage.
  2. MI passed a law last year requiring poratable tanks to be removed from the vehicle and placed on the ground for filling. This makes my 26ga gas caddy useless. Wonder what the law is on something like this?
  3. @Horton you must either be reading WAY too much into my post or replying to someone else. I certainly never said the pull of the boat doesn't matter. Frankly, with the bashing of the big 3 every time they release a new tournament boat, and the relatively small returns they get from them, I'm surprised they even bother! The wake guys have little issue plunking down double the price, and then adding all kinds of aftermarket ballast and wake shapers.

    I still can't believe the thread about the new Nautique not being good for slalom, which was started something like 1 week after pulling it's very 1st tournament, by somebody who didn't even ski it! If I was running Correct Craft, I'd be very tempted to be throwing the proverbial middle finger at tournament skiers after investing years and likely millions of $$ pushing the boundry of current state of the art wake and tracking technology! Disagree all you want, but the nitpicking has gotten way out of hand!

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