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Posts posted by Justin_C

  1. Your upper body looks very stiff on your 2-4-6 side. Your 1-3-5 looks good but it's almost like you're not keeping your head up and looking down course on your off side. Could be why you feel as though you can't get the ski to turn on your off side.
  2. @Connelly_Skis_Inc unfortunately I'm in New Brunswick, Canada. Not really known as the hot bed of waterskiing! I appreciate you reaching out though. I've been curious about the ski for some time and it really seems to be gaining popularity! I think you guys are onto something! If you did happen have someone handy though, I would certainly be interested in connecting with them to try one out! Feel free to pm me so as to not hijack the thread.
  3. Is it just me or is anyone else noticing the surging popularity of the Connelly GT among pro skiers (and maybe amateurs alike)? It seems like every couple of weeks I'm seeing someone else switching over or on the podium with one of these things! Cool to see from one of the cheaper (pricewise) skis on the market! I'd love to get to try one but for now I'll have to settle for other people's thoughts. What's everyone liking so much about it?
  4. Here's the video. I see a couple things I'm doing but please give as much input as you like! (First pass at ball 3 is a very visible example of the ski stopping on me, however, it looks like the ski is hardly ever actually finishing the turn before I get popped up. Grabbing the handle too soon?)


  5. My numbers are as follows:







    In my notes I have that I went to the following to try and get rid of the bounce but it actually made it so bad it was unskiable.








  6. @UCFskier New last year. It's been working well to the point that I'm at now. Meaning last year I ran my first 15 off at 36, then my first 22 at 36. This year my 22's have been relatively easy and I'm working on 28. This is the first time this issue has come up. The stopping is not happening at 15 and 22 off but the bouncing happens all the time . Likely technique related but I wondered if any adjustments could be made to make life easier as I work on technique.
  7. I'm noticing as I'm into 28 off that on both sides of the course, when I finish the turn, my ski feels like it's stopping. Sometimes it will pop me right up and other times I want to break at the waist. It makes it feel as though my turn and then the subsequent pull are two separate things instead of the turn smoothly leading into my pull, then edge change and so on. I'll post some video as soon as I can but even when I focus on staying countered, head up, etc, it still seems to be happening. This is all combined with my perpetual ski bouncing on the finish of my offside turn. Thinking about moving my bindings back a touch. Any thought or suggestions? Will post my fin numbers when I get home from work and can check my notes. Ski is a 2016 66" Lithium Vapor.



  8. @SkiJay is THE MAN for this stuff. I'd take his advise as gospel. Another good resource if you like to read is the Schnitz guide. It's older and I'm not sure how new ski designs have impacted how relevant the information is but it is another resource.
  9. I find the edge change to be more a matter of whether or not it's a conscious decision. On my harder passes I need to make sure I'm not pulling too long so it is something I control. On my easier passes I settle into a rhythm and I don't think about it, it just happens.
  10. If you're concerned about your turn balls having moved over time you might want to be careful using your boat guides to measure off of. If your turn buoys have moved there's a good chance your boat guides have too. If you look straight down my course it looks straight as an arrow but there are a couple of guides that have moved forward and back a touch.
  11. @ScarletArrow posted this on YouTube a while back. I found it when I searched for Jodi Fisher after being in Florida and skiing with him. This is pretty well the exact same advice he gave me. Some of it may help with you position crossing the wake, I know it did for me! On a side note, Jodi had a program he was trying to start a while back that included video coaching if you can't make it to his site or one of his travelling clinics. Could be worth looking into, he's a great guy!




  12. I would add the gates next. As the speed increases and rope shortens you'll be glad you have a handle on the timing factor of the gates. As I'm really learning now at 28 off, a good gate and one ball are imperative to running the pass. I don't think I ever shortened the line before I got to my max speed but to each their own.
  13. I have had a slightly similar experience, however, with a strada boot. It was a leftover that I stumbled across about this time last year, brand new. There has been some, what appears to be superficial, cracking on the "Radar" logo which isn't a huge deal but I have noticed that the stitching inside the liner has let go. Does anyone know if the vapor liners will fit a 2011 strada boot?
  14. Potentially looking to move up a few years in our boat and the Response LX and SN 196 seem to be the front runners. We ski in a course on a public body of water that is very sheltered and primarily only ski. The odd occasion it is nice to just take it for a cruise so we would like something that handles reasonably well (for a ski boat) in rougher water. Just wondering people insights on the two boats.
  15. These comments are certainly fair. Perhaps I was out of line with the tone of my previous comment. I just like to think that I don't have to spend 2k every year to have a good ski. The previous year's skis are still awesome skis and will be for years to come!
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