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Everything posted by rico

  1. This one is my favorite so far. The boat feels strong and great to drive. The wake is still unnoticable but what is very cool is the metal flake on that black / charcoal. Looking forward to the next ride.
  2. @Tom351 I have no problem getting over 40mph in sport mode. I do not use the follow me mode as the speed restriction does not work with slalom speed. @Laz No the new prop will give you an extra 3 min which is almost 10 more than the Air.
  3. @bojans I have a Mavic Pro and love it. the Mavic Air is newer and a better drone. The only downside is battery time which is less that the Mavic Pro. With the blades form the Pro Platinum it's almost 10 min more flight on the Mavic Pro. I got mine for $600 refurbished with 1 year warranty.
  4. I keep seeing @ColeGiacopuzzi with a Radar t-shirt...
  5. @Horton when are you trying this?
  6. Correct me if my wrong here but the goal is to have as many good quality tournaments available throughout the regions. The point of tournaments for many, is the social aspect but also a way to measure their level of skiing against other skiers in the country. Having similar approved boats within 3 years is key. Exceptions are (and should) be allowed when necessary but this should be an exception. So in a nutshell we need to find the right balance between keeping tournaments organizers motivated to run tournaments, boat owners keen to bring their boat and skiers happy to pay a reasonable entry fee... I agree with a lot of the comments and I would be happy to pay a bit extra to help with bringing new boats to tournaments. Having said that, I do think Promo boat owners enter the promo program knowingly and if the problem is that fewer and fewer people want to do it, I am surprised that I have never heard about manufacturers / dealers looking for new promo team members? Have you? In the meantime, I will be very happy to ski behind 2019 boats in next year tournaments and will do anything I can to support promo guys...
  7. Hey guys, I am a heavy skier over 200lbs and one of my issues is that I load the line too hard and a bit back. The consequence is less space into the buoy and a very hard edge change. Now the colder season started, I am working on it and found that the best fix is too stand taller on the ski. This puts my center of mass forward and gives me a more natural edge change , allowing me to create more space in the pre-turn. The result is also less load and a line I can manage. I am able to start my turn earlier and finish at the buoy. I hope it makes sense... What are you guys doing?
  8. I tried @Horton 's handle last week end and it is pretty good. I ran passes without thinking about it. It fell stable and it is easier to recover when mis-grabbing. More importantly, my elbow felt better after my rides that day...
  9. @horton I didn’t take that shot. I was too busy watching @Dirt fall at the exit gate at 39...
  10. Another awesome week end at Grubbs Lake! Lots of fun. Thanks @Dirt for the ride to the airport.
  11. @Horton I like 'The Balvenie' any year. Thanks
  12. I did learn over the years that @Horton never bets scotch if he's not 100% sure he will win. Having said that no one will ever know what the driver did...
  13. I would bet a good bottle of whiskey that the reason for the engine or tran to fail is that the driver put the boat in reverse.
  14. Regina makes it look so easy. Awesome skiing. Just to clarify though the record committee will review previous pass boat pass though not just 41.
  15. Pure Stock Radar Pro Build Vapor 68.00 (2018) 30.625 6.975 2.450 0.770 9.0 This is the best I skied in tournaments on a ski in terms of consistency. The ski is stable and predictable and fast. When I make a mistake, it saves my ass. 20 rounds of tournaments so far this year and haven’t missed a 35 which for me is good.
  16. Is it possible that all those skiers had great days at the same time including Tgas running 5@41 and Neveu running 4@41 3 times? Unlikely but very possible. Is it possible that the TC or someone made a mistake and don’t even know It? Unlikely but possible. Let’s see how many 41s go down next week- end!
  17. The only possible explanation is that the site skis really good, the boat feels good and the driving is great. The questions is whether it is that much better than other sites for skiers to up their scores by 2 to 4 buoys? I think it is likely that any of those 4 skiers runs 41. What makes it unexpected is that they all did it at the same time. @Mattp Sacha did fun 41 in a record twice in 2016. It wasn’t World or European record but it should be a French record. The scores are showing on the international waterski federation site. Other questions people will wonder now the door is open: - what prop used on the nautique? - what space shuttle mode was used on one of the 27 hydro gates? - Were regular or switch ropes used? - Was the Bimini on? - Water temp? - did they use gas, ethanol, lpg? Last thing will anyone dare post a survey to ask ballers if they think scores are legit?
  18. running 41 for any of those skiers is a rare thing. 4 skiers running 41 at the same event is amazing.
  19. You can see clearly on this pic that Freddie is riding a 66”
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