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Everything posted by bigtex2011

  1. @The_MS ...... news flash. I just logged in after being in a coma for 2 months. You still haven't quit. @jayski and I can direct you to a 12 step program at cottonwood just beyond the corn field. repeat after me. I'm mark and i have a problem :smiley:
  2. @Mrs_MS can you give more details about your hypothetical question. Have you seen this happen in the past. Or... do you know of anyone personally that has happened too?
  3. I love weatherman horton. I could watch that everyday.
  4. if you believe in election fraud and a flat earth can you really comprehend a spinning earth and the axis of evil :smile:
  5. @Jody_Seal you seem so angry. Are you ok?
  6. I also learned Deliverance was "not" filmed in Arkansas
  7. surepath is old and antiquated. I can't wait to get one of these. This is awesome. I can drink beer while my wife skis. Can it wipe down the boat. I'm mean no one does now but it would be a great perk.
  8. @MS it's finally over. Did you quit. :) :D
  9. @robert6262 thanks for the update
  10. I was going to continue but i ran out of coors
  11. @Horton I dont know why @Bruce_Butterfield is so mean to @skidawg . I thing we should ask @jayski and @MrJones and @ski6jones. perhaps @The_MS can chime in he rarely has any opinions. :smiley:
  12. @The_MS you seem to all the answers. You should start your own organization instead of trying to fix this ole broken down thing. I'll donate 50.00 to your new aw@theMSMFskiworldcircus you can be the first president and i promise not to bitch and moan until you decide to bring in sponsors like 2bobsIPA. you see i don't like IPA. I like old school banquet coors. then i'll have to start my own awbigtexcornfielduniversalskicrapshow. all will go kinda average with very little getting done until I upset @jayski for not playing the village people at my 4 person tournament. @jayski will start his awsnoholesbarredtournamentseries. his series will be the most fun but you be need penicillin on the way out. After I get sick and die at c-wood, @skidawg will start awdidyouknowdeliverancewasfilmedinarkansas-skiseries. I don't think i need to tell you what happens to the winner. scores stay low for fear of bodily injury. let me know. I'm bored, it's winter
  13. Surely after all these horrific new rules and regulations are initiated @The_MS will finally quit. :smiley: @jayski that was a cold one. Literally.. its going to be 35 degrees tonight
  14. @jayski I'll give you $10 for that Louisiana swamp.
  15. @The_MS did you say on the last page" if i remain a member" . wasn't this the whole point of the thread that you are/were going to quit. I look forward to skiing with you at nationals in kansas and west palm the next few years. :smile:
  16. @skidawg that sounds awesome. Looking fwd to you ripping it again and selling your bike :smiley:
  17. @BS74 I would say no disrespect, but that would be untrue. I'm fairly certain you are an idiot
  18. @BS74 didn't you state that you quit competitive skiing in '08. You don't have to worry about Safesport and how it affects you on a person level. Rejoin the AWSA and then lob all the grenades' you want. I don't agree with @The_MS, but I respect his opinion because he has continued to pay into a organization that has made mandates that he opposes. As I stated before, I don't really look forward to watching the video and all that it encompasses. But, I don't find it a big deal either.
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