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Everything posted by E_T

  1. @horton feel free to ship it interglacialy a good girl like that should not be put up wet and will finish up my combo set out nicely
  2. @woolly110 that is not clear it is a reflection the light you see is swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.
  3. @jwr I couldt have said it better myself
  4. @horton just stick to skiing and leave the scientific stuff to us space explores. My new ship might be vapor powered....
  5. @horton convert that 1.2 jigawatts to amps...
  6. ME WANT!!!!! where do i have to sign my life away to demo this?
  7. If you make these you must post a video of it in use!
  8. @webbdawg99 those are in my bike basket
  9. Trash Bag - 61" 2"x4" - Surf Wax - 1000lb Stainless Cable - Broomstick - Ducktape Gloves - Life is to short waterski naked
  10. I give up y'all are rediclious. Just go drink Kilo Kai and shorten the rope
  11. The skies the pros are on are usually the prototypes for a even newer ski or a modified of the current model
  12. @MS donate to the ballofscores app development and the scores will come in faster
  13. @danE my glowing finger sometimes hits the wrong button!
  14. Lets remember that this is still almost. Almost only counts in horseshoes, handgernades, and occasonally rocket launchers.
  15. @gregy they should! I am just trying how to grow the sport. Bring in more people bring in more $$$$
  16. @gregy if that was true we would not have such a small niche market and still have hot summer nights on ESPN
  17. @ed obermeier it's all about social media marketing now. People have such short attention spans 15 sec is perfect. The general public could watch every pass from a turny just posted to instgram and no need for a crappy live feed everyone complains about. It could post directly to ball of scores easily!
  18. @ral , sure! if the 200 will get up to 46.8 and be able to stop safely on the lake
  19. @ral for pre gates it is 46.82045MPH or (75.35KPH)
  20. Due to recent developments in the industry of social media 15 sec video clips will be the new norm. If you do not follow social media closely, Instagram has added a 15 sec video feature. To capture all our wonderful moments on the water between the gates, should we raise the speed to 38.62445MPH (62.16KPH)? I know i would!
  21. Is the feed down or is it just me?
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