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Posts posted by BlueSki

  1. This discussion, as well as others, makes me think that as a sport our “every guy in the boat wants to help” has perhaps telephone gamed how we coach, talk, and maybe even ski (see Horton’s comments about technique focus and now effort). The technique discussion seems to have dominated to the point where some may focus on technique so much that we forget effort because technique is a more complex, interesting, and a longer conversation. As I think about this, I believe the reality is that as we start to improve technique, we need to amp up effort while risking technique. It’s a balancing act, and one I need to figure out and clearly the root of Horton’s post.


    I could be wrong, I have been to purple, but not through it, so I defer to others... and I will probably learn something. This is the part where I tag @adamhcaldwell, @AdamCord, and @twhisper to ensure that I learn something.

  2. Do you guys think that so many people are told to be light on the line and do the opposite of Caldwell because when they do go all out, they simply can’t handle it and their pass turns to disaster? In other words, is being “light on the line” used frequently because there is a need to calm a skier down so they can maintain their body position and work on the fundamentals?
  3. Intuitively, everyone here knows this, but for the wonks it is interesting to see how substantial the spike in boat sales was over the past year. The increase as a percentage of consumption over the past year was equal to the gain over the previous 8 years, but still not to prior peaks.



  4. @Wish that does look close, do you think that the previous owner pushed the engine box back to make room for a tall wakeboard pylon?


    @seveet check the wood on the bunks and the trailer steps for rot. If the trailer was wet frequently, the carpet likely held water and accelerated the rot of the steps. I say that from personal experience with my first trailer.

  5. Almost 12,000 views for a drawing of a ski with a question mark for a fin. I think the Adams may have to start multiple threads for the release if they don’t want to send Horton a bottle of top shelf scotch.
  6. @JAS I’ll briefly share my experience and my son’s experience and that might help you pick a starting point, or maybe just solidify that you may need more than one set. I was on a Vapor running long/shallow settings @34, I tried middle of the recommended range and ended up very close my Vapor’s long/shallow settings. My son was also long /shallow on a Vapor, but he was outrunning the boat at the 36 and ended up short/deep, this was as he was transitioning to 36. Both of us made adjustments along the way.


    The crazy fun part was running passes that I should have had no business running on settings that did not work well for me, so to answer your original question, expect some of that. Try some long/shallow, short/deep, and everything in between.


    @BS74 my wife borrowed my son’s Denali for a ride at 26.7-32 mph and it ran fine, but better at 28 mph and up. She looked good on it. Same with the young son, he looked crazy good. I wouldn’t hesitate to try it at the slower speeds.

  7. I can see the benefit of this. A number of years ago I bought a used Connelly GT and a used ‘14 Vapor. A buddy of mine did the D3 demo, getting a quest and helix. We skied all four in one weekend. Even without messing with fins, it was pretty easy to figure out which ones worked for us and which ones did not. I sold the GT, kept the green Vapor, and that started a series of years of success on Vapors for me.
  8. Don’t change the title. That way you might be on the start dock at a tournament some day, and as you put on your ski, you hear someone mention that they heard about a new Cypress Gardens slalom ski with wind tunnels. Then you might hear the dock starter begin a discussion about how that would change the necessary surface area. You will laugh to yourself, the tournament stress will be gone, and then you will PB.
  9. @AdamCord, “So when you decide it's time to drop into the turn, this ski changes direction NOW” is a great description of what I feel on my C75... so the C85 is going to be really fun. Looking forward to it.
  10. At this point, Elizabeth will look at this and think, “definitely not the direction I was expecting for this post,” OR she will contact @Clydesdale to license the water skiing Buddha for a t-shirt before @BOS_Shirts draws one up.
  11. @RichardDoane, Rex Ryan is the former NY Jets coach that got way too much media and internet attention when his wife’s feet had their own you tube channel. I’ll let someone else fill in the details. I didn’t need to go past the headline.
  12. @aupatking, have it shipped to the office and take an empty ski box with you the day you plan to bring it home, because you are sending Horton a ski. Then when you come home with a ski in the box because Horton changed his mind, your problem is solved.
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