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Posts posted by BlueSki

  1. @aupatking, have it shipped to the office and take an empty ski box with you the day you plan to bring it home, because you are sending Horton a ski. Then when you come home with a ski in the box because Horton changed his mind, your problem is solved.
  2. @Luzz, great podcast with MB. We listened to it on the way to the snow ski hill. In the lift line within the first hour of skiing, we heard two other people talking about water skiing, that is a great sign.


    If you want to understand Fahrenheit, all you have to do is think on a percentage basis, how hot is it? 95 and up is pretty hot and anything below 20 is pretty cold. 50 is so-so with some reasonable clothing. For Celsius, the same question applies, but the difference is that we are asking water, not humans, Want to ask an atom, that’s Kelvin.

  3. I had problems with the originals too, so you are not alone. The details are uninteresting, but the summary is that the new springs help left, but don’t hold the seat up. I have a piece of thick dowel rod that I keep under the seat to hold it up if necessary. Small inconvenience for a great skiing boat.
  4. I bought a promo boat. For those at Malibu, Mastercraft, and Nautique that read this thread, when I buy my next boat - whether promo, ski school boat, or new - my choice will be based on my experience skiing behind your boats at tournaments and ski schools. Your support of the sport matters and will translate into sales because it give skiers experience with your boat, even if the sale is hard to tie directly to the promo program. I won’t buy a boat model I haven’t skied behind. Thanks for supporting the sport.
  5. You guys did a great job, it was definitely required listening. My suggestion is along those the lines of @disland’s and is shared knowing that you are speaking to a large and varied audience, and have experience coaching many skiers at all levels.


    How about the most common issues, and more importantly, what you see as the most effective areas of focus to garner improvement by speed and line length?


    For example, I am sure that you see many skiers that can run 26/15, but most often need to do X to run 28 or 30. Similarly for running 34/15 or cutting the rope to 22, 32, 35, and 39. Clearly many of these elements were discussed in examples throughout the season. Nevertheless, perhaps this will give many a means to build their game-plan and understand a primary focus for improvement as they progress. This could also benefit those providing advice to their fellow skiers.

  6. Put Buford Danger in a small inflatable boat, tie it to yourself for extra drag, and swim the length of your lake, more than once. You will be in shape. Ski handles on a pull up bar are just like TRX bands but maybe not as full featured for everything that you want to do, but handles make a great way to find out. Get some bow flex adjustable dumbbells to add in and maybe get on a bike and I am sure that you will be in good shape.
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