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Everything posted by Skoot1123

  1. Scott Brinkmeyer, 31, have a 2 yr old with one due in Sept. Learned to ski at 10 and skied pretty much until college. (1999 through 2003) Didn't start skiing again until I started dating my wife, who's father is very much into skiing. Bought a boat with my father in law in 2007. Found a local ski club which has two lakes (old strip mines) and have been addicted ever since. Always wanted to ski a course when I was younger, just never had the opportunity. Now I am soaking it in! Never been to a tournament to ski, but I'd like to get started. I'm still not skiing at the right speed for my age so there is lots to learn and gain. PB at 34 is all 6 at 32 off. PB at 36 is all 6 at 28 off. Am working on consistency and form/technique. Set a PB for consecutive runs last night: 6 full passes at 22 off at 34 mph. Couldn't have felt better. Now I just need to make that at 28 and so on. Can't wait to meet some fellow Ballers at Malibu Open this weekend!
  2. @Kelvin - I'll look you up on either Friday or Sat! Wonder if there will be any Baller stuff for sale up there.....
  3. @Garn - GET BETTER! I have had excellent customer service from HO as well. I had my first Monza delaminate on the top of the ski - no questions asked I got a new one. EXCELLENT indeed!
  4. Perhaps there has been discussion on this before, but since we are now in the dog days of summer I thought it would be prudent to bring this up again. What is the recommended way to clean the ski of dirt, oils, suntan lotion ( NO WAY not suntan lotion!) or other debris that will hinder the surface tension on the bottom of the ski. I have heard various ways to clean: no scrub pad, scrub pad with soap, dish towl with soap, just leave it alone. Thoughts? Personally I have used the soap and a scrub pad. I haven't found that it makes any marks in the bottom of the ski - perhaps some of the ski's are more affected by a scrub pad (fine grain or medium grain) than others. Those that come out of a mold (like my 08 Monza) have the waxes and other lubricants that seep out of the ski. Not only that but the oils from hands and other dirt that it picks up in and out of the boat etc. I have also noticed that once I srub it, it doesn't take long for the "oils" to get back on the ski, even when picking the ski up by the bindings and not touching the bottom of it.
  5. @ MS - after putting my rear boot back to the "original" way I had it before I played with it I got 4 @ 32. Felt great. I'll double check my fin and see what it's set at - make sure it hasn't moved (though all the screws are snug). Seems like this year my offside is better than my one side....could be warm water??? (90+ degrees)
  6. Used the rag and hammer method with some water. Worked like a charm! Thanks!!
  7. Thanks! I'll give it a try tomorrow.
  8. Have yet to run a 32 this year....but there is still time. I'm still hoping!
  9. I'll be coming up Thursday night - am only 4 hrs away. Can't wait for another AWESOME event as it was last year!
  10. Have a question regarding binding placement. I ski on a 65" HO Monza ('08) and have everything pretty much stock (bindings back most of the way, only one hole remaining before it's all the way back). The fin was set by my local pro shop, and tweaked by Wade Cox when I got a lesson from him. I know this ski has a pretty nice rocker, as it comes up everytime I don't do something right. I am thinking of moving the front binding forward to get a little more tip pressure, and more ski in the water, perhaps this will make me ski a bit more efficiently? I ski in the -22 to -32 off range (mostly -22 and -28). I am assuming as I get better I'll need to move the bindings back....? Anyone have good suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  11. @webbdawg99 - I think you hit the nail on the head. Athletes! The ability to repeat the same motion for a given situation. Also, having the abilty to naturally do a "motion" in the most efficient way possible.
  12. @skier2788 - I think Marcus Brown is still on the Olympic commitee for the US...something like that anyway. I know many have tried to get it into the Olympics.....the biggest hurdle for folks is the boat powering the sport...... Times change though, so maybe those in the IOC would start to think progressively. HA (I'll keep dreaming....)
  13. Hey all - looking to fix my MasterLine rope which has a knot in it about 7 feet from the handle. Any tricks to getting this out? I have never been able to get a knot out of a ski rope, and thought you folks would have a good idea! Thanks!
  14. @MarcusBrown - Will see you and TW at Malibu Open next week! Can't wait as it's the only tournament I get to go to. Love watching you pro's ski. Best of luck to you and TW at MalibuOpen! As a "short" skier (5'9') I wish I could get to that point of 32, 35, 38.....perhaps in time. But kudo's to all those that can!
  15. @itch2ski - my suggestion would be a foam roller. That can be done before AND after any skiing/workout. Have no fear though - the soreness will be gone in a couple weeks......:D
  16. @Than - I had my father in law move his front binding forward to get more pressure on the tip of the ski. His turns have become maniacal! I moved mine the other day and didn't like the result. Might have to try another setting just for fun.
  17. @Horton - it is a bad idea. Especially if the screw compromises the grain structure of the composite. With that being said, it also depends on the core material. If it is hollow, then the thickness of the graphite/composite would need to be taken into account. If someone were to drill into the ski (ie a pilot hole) and then put the screw into it, the grain structure is less likely to be compromised. In some cases depending on where the screws are there may be a lot less load in that area versus another. Just some food for thought! @Than - yup we are!!! :D Which is why I would probably NOT do it......
  18. @SkiJay and @behindpropellers - Typically I get out two times a week with 2 sets each time I go out. Would like to get more as I think three would be great. With that being said, mixing it up is a good way to go. I'm going to get some footin' in this weekend.....and going to help out some friends coming this weekend learn to ski and wakeboard/wake skate, maybe even barefoot. Gotta get more people hooked!!
  19. Just booked my hotel for Milwaukee - would be nice to meet some folks and put a face with a name!
  20. @H2OSkiGirl - congrats! Wish my wife liked firearms! Oh well - I can keep on trying! At least she LOVES skiing as much as I do!
  21. Well - how's this for last night's set? Skied a couple 22's the skied an absolute BEAUTY of a 28. Probably the best 28 I have ever run, early at every buoy. The rest was just AWFULL!! I had recently adjusted my rear binding - after the set I returned it back to where it was. Any ideas? I also tried to mimic what Nate Smith was doing. Forget it. I'm not even close to trying. I just need to stick with the basics. I just want to get back to ski 32 again! (have only done it 3 times)
  22. Seeing all these boats makes me want one too! Ah....will have to stick with what I have for now!
  23. @SkiJay - good notes. I'm going to try a few things today at the lake and report back tomorrow. I have been VERY focussed lately on consistancy - it is coming around. Actually putting the "reverse C" into practice could be a lot more difficult (for me) than it looks. After I get a few warm up passes I take a shot at it. I too ski at 34 mph - even though I should be at 36 mph (according to age). Guess you have to start somewhere! :D
  24. @Than - how I wish I was in a course a decade ago!!! Only been at the course for 6 years. From my old ski (92' HO) to the new ski (HO Monza) what a world of difference though.... Can't imagine what the new ones are doing!
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