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Everything posted by bbruzzese

  1. Sorry, my bad…I read u-base but was thinking heel cup.
  2. That's great...gonna go look for it and order right now as well! Just to make sure i didnt mis-understand the initial ask...are we talking about the "Carbon Heel Cup"?
  3. i think the Ubase might only fit the supershell...not the classic or the white-cuff.
  4. lots of youtube vids out there with step by step directions of how to tape ankles.
  5. Not to hijack this but since we're talking about custom covers... I'd like to get a bow cover for our 2018 TXi. Anyone out there know of anyone who could make one without the boat on site?
  6. Thanks for the update! You're riding a large? Do you mind if I ask how much you weigh?
  7. I know it's still winter but just wondering if anyone has any more feedback on the C-95?
  8. Thanks for the feedback…
  9. Just sold a ski and realized i'm out of boxes. I know i can make one out of a couple smaller boxes but anyone have any alternative ideas for packaging? Thanks,
  10. Still on the website boat builder for 2024 if that means anything.
  11. No it’s not, but that made things way easier! Thank you!!!
  12. The season is sadly coming to an end here in VT.. Winterizing my 18 TXi and always like to check and grease my rudder box and steering cable. Has any one figured out a way to access the rudder with out having to fully remove the engine cover in order to remove the center floor section? Unfortunately, having to remove the engine cover kinda turns a simple job into a 2-person job. seriously considering cutting that section of floor in half...just bolted down anyway... if anyone has found a better solution I'd love to hear it.. Thanks!
  13. I'd normally jump on the O'neil hyperfreak band wagon...warm, durable, super flexible but the ziperless RipCurl L/S E-bomb might be my favorite...all the same qualities but feels a little lighter without the zip.
  14. Out of curiosity, did Nate or any of the other competitors comment on the ramp location?
  15. have not been listed on SIA. Feel free to PM me.
  16. Not necessarily Kid's specific but could cetainly fit the bill for teenagers etc. Both Vapor Pro's,I believe the one on the right is a 21 and I apologize, I can't remember the year of the other...65 and 66 respectively. Happy to pass along at a fair price to anyone interesed.
  17. Anyone tried Boat Erasers? https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Boat-Erasers-Accessories-Cleaning/dp/B07MMWMFDV/ref=asc_df_B07MMWMFDV/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312128389336&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3964804789779350411&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003055&hvtargid=pla-668142057802&psc=1
  18. i have a 65.25 thats virtually new. had one replaced under warranty and never skied on it. let me know and I'll send pics.
  19. Thank you! Was using plastic cutting board as well. Our base station looks straight down the course with an unobstructed view so hoping that works. How did you mount the rover puck to the pylon? Also does it matter where the rover radio is in the boat as long as it has a view of the sky? Thanks again, I’ll reach out via the phone if things go awry.
  20. Just received our SkiPath today. Any chance anyone has some pics of their Base station set up, as well as how and where they mounted things in the boat that they'd be willing to share? Doesn't seem too difficult but if someone has a set up that's working well for them I'd be happy to try and recreate that rather than start from scratch. Any other tricks or advice is welcome also. Thanks
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