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Everything posted by BraceMaker

  1. Correct or some sort of Alumni tournament points? Graduates of a college of any age can score points for their school at non-collegiate events?
  2. @Woodybc62 what we as a sport need is a really clear way for those collegiate skiers to stay in the sport for the 5-10 years after college, because atleast historically most of them stop skiing until they are around 40.
  3. The good news is you could very easily put some helicoil threads or a timesert in there.
  4. It's like everything related to trees the best time to plant them. 10 years ago. Second best? Today. Height isnt all that necessary to drastically change wind. A dense row of shrubs even a few feet high provides an astonishingly far wind effect. You can also cheat trees can be planted on mounds to give them artificial height and kick start the efforts. Closer to the lake is better but higher is also better. The wind starts dropping over the trees so your peak protection is closer in.
  5. Not saying you have to do this but a great way to start the move is to ski around on something like an HO hovercraft instead of on your normal proper slalom ski. Go out to a lake and just spend a few hours cruising with an RTP then it won't feel so weird when you go for it.
  6. The windmill I am tilting at is that as a sport it sure feels like the event is owned by Nautique and not an independent event brought to you by Nautique. There have certainly been instances of "high tempers" during events previously that didn't generate disqualification from future events. Headlights and rerides at a Big Dawg event comes to mind and if I recall the history this generated long delays in the event and no disqualifications from future events. Or another question I suppose is for you @dave2ball how many examples are there of a skier being disqualified in the history of the sport? Maybe this is just a sport where it is extremely rare for people to have a temper whatsoever at the judges.... but off hand I'm not sure there is a precedent for this.
  7. @sailworks not to out you but I believe I know some people who trained under you. So your comments in regards to arm function are probably extremely valid.
  8. Or limited membership. A ski club where you can ski from 630PM to 830PM daily guaranteed should be 8500 bucks. If you pop in after work at at 7PM there are 20 people waiting around and you sit there till sunset to get your set or have to leave or have to ski during business hours to use the club. Well then you're kinda screwed huh.
  9. Uhhhh no. They dropped his sponsorship LOOOOONG after the accusations and only after a safesport related sanction and its not like he doesn't have access to Nautique sponsorship through a dealer network affiliate. Are we not thinking that it'd be pretty easy to provide a boat through your dealer network hell 2 boats a year is a full time salary for a waterskier and then a good bit.
  10. I would put forth that the worst way to get into tournament skiing is to buy a boat and a ski and recreationally ski. If you get really into it and develop a passion great but you're going to have a hell of a time finding a course and access and a tournament with openings. And your investment in money for the boat and what goes with it will make it harder for you to justify the travel and costs of attending tournaments and events.
  11. There is always some deflection to the pylon. Take your shoes off and sit in the spotters seat with your feet on the pylon or pin for a trick skier. Of course sometimes the pylons are just loose but there is motion still off topic but still I feel like you could create a hydraulic auto steer system off that deflection that's for another day and another time. The point of that video was just to show someone with a consistently narrower start achieving more width at 1 than the gate. And that has to mean that unlike a pendulum maintaining energy from side to side there is an initial acceleration in the work zone sufficient and likely a very early acceleration.
  12. Something that helped me and I think you're thinking about it as I did. If you're standing tall it sort of makes you feel like you're some sort of inverted pendulum like a metronome and that the move is that you're leaning away, and then that your body needs to do that inverted swing up over the ski to the other side of the ski. In which case your head and shoulders need to come UP and Over the center of the ski to change edge. So this is I believe from Joel Howley's phrasing if I recall correctly but if you are skiing tall with your head and shoulders and handle sort of on a single height above the water, then if you try to maintain that height or plane that you're skiing in but soften your knees that action of softening the knees even with maintained connection/pull is going to result in the ski moving under you and away. This means the only true lean lock has to occur when you start out so compressed that there is nothing else you can do but let go or give up and be pulled up and over the ski to the inside.
  13. I guess.... You sort of let go and took the crash people don't want to take. That sort of through the wake release is how you blow out your ear drums or break legs.
  14. @dave2ball sure we can agree to disagree. He didn't get hit, you hit all your shots. I wonder who missed... but only one side was shooting. Take it as you will but the target is going "hit me hit me"
  15. Sorry my whole point was that @SkiRVA cannot be "so wrong" in feeling that he wasn't reached by marketing. I'm not sure how someone can be so wrong about that.
  16. Hey looming to get some sets this weekend in "insert your city" Is the answer yes just show up here Saturday? Or is it maybe text me and I'll give you someone's email. Going on a trip do you pack a ski and get sets or do you leave it behind.
  17. @dave2ball man I get that you've made an incredible investment. Thank you for your time and energy and it was a great event. I tuned in and enjoyed it the efforts are appreciated. I'm not in Florida nor the south east or east coast and the marketing reached me - so awesome right on target you nailed me. But something missed someone who's a member on this forum. And 7000K viewers for the event is great, and the banks were packed - that's great all of that is awesome and thanks again for yours and everyone's efforts and time. But why did a member of this site even with only 4 posts but registered in 2019 miss the details? Ball of spray members even if they just register and never post have to represent what the top .1% of people with interest in the sport? We're not talking about marketing to people who walked into a Tractor Supply Co. and looked at a Kayak. Those are people waterski could sell to obviously they're interested in being on rivers and lakes so you could try to sell that person who bought a kayak a waterski. And you could go to walmart and put a sticker in every worm refrigerator back in the fishing department to advertise KOD. But you've not targeted an audience with that of people buying worms at walmart very few of those people would go to KOD particularly if its in Florida. What I was trying to say is that someone who has bothered to register on BOS and make 1 2 or 3 posts and the user wasn't created today and that person is on the east coast and that person didn't know there was slalom and was interested. Well he's not so wrong. Its not a complaint at all about the work people did its an observation that the reach of the advertisement missed by someone who is a target audience and that deserves inspection. That's all. But I don't know anything about marketing.
  18. @dave2ball you just did it again man. You're taking what is good valuable criticism in terms of growing the sport and turning it into some sort of personal attack or criticism on you. Guess the 7K person viewership blew all of TWBC's expectations out of the water and they don't wish there was a single extra person who wanted to tune in.
  19. @dave2ball Just putting this out there, but "defending" the promotion is sort of silly. Here you have someone saying that they being the target audience for the sport felt like they weren't reached by the marketing for it. That's incredible feedback that's what marketing people want to know. That's the sort of thing that marketing people pay money to hire PR firms to do research about. You'd have to pay thousands of people to get them to sit down and check some boxes 1 to 10 how interested in waterskiing are you. 1 to 10 how much money do you spend on waterskiing. 1 to 10 how do you receive your media about waterskiing. He's a friggin gold mine of data and is therefore not "so wrong" This is exactly stories about planes landing at the airfield with bullet holes all over and the engineers wanting to reinforce the areas with all the holes until someone pointed out there is a survivorship bias - IE the planes that landed with holes in them are the planes that weren't shot down not the planes that were shot out of the air. You were going to know about it and watch or be there anyway and as such the marketing reaching you and you going didn't work. Or maybe you were reached and didn't go - that'd be an even more interesting data sort of a local got heavily marketed to and didn't bother. But if @SkiRVA is a member here and felt like they didn't know what was going on in the sport - well that's a really important thing to pay attention to.
  20. Sorry I may be wrong but is the 06 RXLI really TBW? I guess his original post throws me off because of his revert to digital Pro comment. I was of the opinion that most boats in 2006 had cable actuated throttle bodies not potentiometers at the throttle control.
  21. I support rebuilding but ask your shop clearly about it being marine and make no assumptions and double/triple check that they're not just going to rebuild it as an auto alternator and make sure they're not just taking yours as a core and giving you an already completed rebuild.
  22. @JNutty You might like skiing open water at 32 or 34 or 36 mph and ripping around on a top end ski. But when you say beginner what is your level in the course currently. Beginner meaning you've never run a pass or beginner meaning you're regularly making full passes and are speeding up and shortening the rope regularly?
  23. Another option then might just be to get a Ridesteady by Hydrophase. I guess it depends on how much you prioritize trying to get slalom to feel like ZO on the boat vs. how much you prioritize getting river trick skiing to not require as many driver inputs. With PP if you have a good paddlewheel speedometer and a good driver you can "fight" with PP meaning the lag in PP responding to throttle inputs by cable changes does let you modulate so if you're going a bit slow or a bit fast despite the river current offset you could have your driver hand throttle a bit just lean on the throttle a bit in slack water or pull back a bit in the slow spots. its not ideal but then again paddlewheel had that delay too. If you're going to "revert" to older PP and give up on Z-Box then I'd probably just reach out to hydrophase .
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