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Everything posted by gsm_peter

  1. Hmmm I take a lot of coaching. About 20% of my sets. I have same pb 3-4 @ 34 mph over 4 seasons. I make 49, 50 and 51 kmh back to back. Ski well and feel safe. At 52 (32mph) the otf happends frequently. Broke/cracked ribs two times. One begining of July and second one end July.
  2. We ski when water is almosy freezing. Drysuit, west under suite, neo socs. Neo binie. Nitril, latex nurse gloves under ski gloves. 2 par of the better thicker quality. Last type 5 sets. Have fin and do not expect pb. Trick Worlds better when cold.
  3. Ny 2 cents as a 15 off skier I believe that you progress faster on a less advance more forgiving ski until you are resonable stacked. Grow out of the first skis. Grow into the later skis.
  4. Will the Senate get the new shape as well?
  5. FWIW. Normal 8.8 grade steel is way stronger compared to stainless steel. I have nerver seen a stainless bolt on a winch.
  6. Ny 2 cents Core training, yoga, some gym, comute biking and waterskiing. Alpine race training and rehab in the winter season. This is not sufficient if I compare with my results.... : :/
  7. @ToddL Question related to the 1,2,3,4 stack position? Dryland training. LFF going into 1,3,5. Assume ski tip is 0 degrees, hips squared are 90 degrees. When get into position 4 I cannot get my hip to be squared. If I twist the hip as hard as I can my hip (measured on the hip bones) reaches only 110 degrees. Going straight forward I would need 90 degrees (?) and to turn right I need to rotate 10 more (to type 80 degrees). Even though I am reasonable well trained and flexible there is no way I can rotate the hip this much with a straight back leg and chest forward. Have I missed something?
  8. Europe is nice. Strong USD... great value. Waterskiitaly.com. Italy Sessena Madrid Gravon Paris area Roque Brune. France Nice area And many more
  9. In US the rope is described based on how much is taken off a full lenght rope. In other countries it is described with actual remaining lenght. 15 off is equal to 18.25 meter rope. Approx 15 feet taken off an approx 75 foot rope. That is the standard starting lenght.
  10. One guy at our club use different foot ff when slalom and trick...
  11. None really match my starts. I can start with one foot out but I prefere both in. Even on the trick ski except for dock starts. I mostly slalom with dbl boots.
  12. I use clinchers. Rotate brands and sizes and individuals. One can use slighetly smaller handle with clinchers. I use mostely ML Team Monster Handle 1.00 " and Radar prolocks Size L to XL.
  13. @santangelo Unfortunately not available in Sweden?
  14. Radar make great skis. I used the Theory for many seasons. People ski 34mph 35off on that ski. Katana is most likely better. Best luck.
  15. Just an idea? Assume that a consistent skier run 4 passes on a Senat Graphit. The last close to his pb. Then do the same with a Lithium. Repete many times. Could the any deviation in result describe the added value of the more advanced core material?? Or do the same on the Vapor serie?
  16. FYI. The Senate Graphite has the adjustable fin box.
  17. I borrow this tread for a related question. What are the fin tool screws dimension? Standard for all fins or per manufacture? I need to buy those tools....
  18. @TallSkinnyGuy Thanks. Yes I have read that thread. I have skied the Orange strada Senate (2012) a lot. Only tried the 2016 Senate Lithium a bit. At my level I can feel a much better acceleration and easier to complete the turn with full carbon.
  19. Reason to live Covers ladies, hard rock and water skiing and all other things in life
  20. Thanks for the revew Horton. It would be super if you could (in the future) comment on the added value of the Lithium compared to the Graphite? Maybe in terms of when you prefere to change to the more advanced ski?
  21. 2 cents from a 15 off guy. I start with a few sets to just get use to skiing. However, I do get much better timing when skiing in the corse. So I ski quite early every second pass in the corse. Got a great start this year with many sucessfull passes. Best luck!
  22. Hmmm. Season start yesterday. Water just above freezing. 35mph wind did warm it up a bit. Drysuite. 3mm socs. Neo binie. 0.5mm latex, nurse gloves under ski gloves. I always ski in long suites. If you need to put on a suite why not stay as warm as feasible? Ok we seldom get warm water in Sweden at all....
  23. Would it be feasible to get a small comparison to the Senate Graphite (Lithium benefits)?
  24. My 2 cents as a 15off. One detail that help me a lot is when I rotate my handle -palm up. I then usually complete the turn well prepared for the next phase.
  25. Hexcel did produce snow skis as well. Quite nice but degraded a bit faster compared to wooden skis according to my knowledge.
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