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Stuff I say every time I go to the lake.


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I say at least one of these things everytime I ski with someone new. 

Learning to set up a ski takes a long time. Most skiers do more damage then good.

You can not work on more then one thing at a time

You do not video your self enough

Your ski would work better with stock settings

If your settings worked before, the ski is not the problem

You ride too far back on your ski

If the person in the boat suggests something different after every pass, you should not listen

In practice, form counts

Coaching is cheaper then skiing all year without knowing what you are doing wrong.

If your ski is more then 3 or 4 years old, it is hurting you.

Bindings make a huge difference

Speed control settings matter

Slow times are generally a bad idea

There is not substitute for water time

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  • Baller

Those are all good. I say two of them almost word for word every time I ski... You can only work on one thing at a time and there is no substitute for water time. The rest I either believe to be true in most cases or am in denial about, so I don't want to talk about them. A few others I would add that have more to do with appreciating the session regardless of the outcome.


Best day in the office all week.


Another day in paradise.


and lately... surprisingly comfortable in the dry suit!

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Wife: "what time shall I expect you"?

Me: "dark 45" (lie) (left out beer and hang out time)."


Arrival Home


Wife: "It's been dark for over 45 minutes".

Me: "It stays light at the lake longer than in town". (truth)

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