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Sickest graphics of 2010


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  • Baller

Alright, some of us aren't buying a new ski this season but we still like to check em out right? My favorite graphics of 2009 went to the RS-1. This year... the Prophecy. "Awesome" was my first thought when I saw this.




What's your pick? Hopefully putting brand loyalty and performance aside :). 

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  • Baller

I'd say the prophecy is everything mentioned about it so far. Jp, that thought actually crossed my mind too :).

 Jared, I believe the top of the strada is meant to look like brushed aluminum but it is actually a graphic. I was really excited when I heard their plans as grew up with a Jobe Honeycomb from the 70's that has a aluminum top. The phosphor screen bottom is a cool idea too. 

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  • Baller
2005 Monza with the red clear coat. If I can track down a picture that shows the depth of that finish, I'll get it posted. It's so simple, just like the Elite, with that Syndicate logo near the front boot. No paint, just translucent coloring over the carbon layers. With enough light, it just pops.
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  • Baller
They've got me working on a mac today, I can't embed anything. I'll correct this as soon as I can get onto a Windows machine again. I am definitely thinking of the first year of the Monza. Most skis were black, but there were a few short runs that had a blue or red tint in the clear coat layers over the carbon top-sheet. SImilar to this ski posted at ski-it-again: http://www.ski-it-again.com/photos/sia09155img0.jpg
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  • Baller

I know a guy that used to ski an old HP. The last time I skied with him was around 2000. At that time the ski was about 20 yrs old (I think???) He was skiing deep -38 at 36 on that old wore out thing! He tried a number of other ski's and kept going back to it. I know others that keep going back to their old fave, but usually it's with in 5 yrs of being current.

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I kind of like the "naked" carbon fiber look of the Warp, Elite, and Fischer #01.  Makes the ski look hi-tech.  Many bicycle component manufacturers also use the natural carbon weave on their high end carbon fiber bicycle parts.
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I believe the bicycle components have a unidirectional carbon fiber structure to them and the final finish layer is usually a 3K or 1K weave under the clear coat.  Is this the same for water skis manufactured with the natural weave?  I don't think the final finish layer is structural, but rather for cosmetics.  I could be wrong though.

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