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Who is ready to start skiing?!?


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Are you guys getting excited? It is that time of year.

I am going to Florida, near Orlando this week and I was wondering if there was a place my husband and I could ski one day on such short notice? It will be our first time on the water since last summer but so a lesson would be nice to but not required.

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Many places take a reservation.  With this being spring break, you may be hard pressed to get an opening.  OWC is right near the airport.  http://www.orlandowatersports.com/  Last I was there, you pay for 1/2 hour sets.

I've also gone to the Swiss Ski School http://www.swissskischool.com   Julien Beaufils is one of the coaches there.  I like SSS better than OWC.  It's in Clermont about 40 minutes away from the airport.

There are TONS of places you can try in the immediate vicinity.  I'm sure you'll get lots of recommendations.  Good luck and have fun!

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Orlando Water complex is cool and you guy's could also ski the "Cable course" for $40.00 for 4 hrs.!!! It's Waaaay different, but it's fun and you can ski til your arms fall off for $40.00...

Matt Rini is right there too. Totally cool guy and a very Good teacher to say the Least. I'd totally suggest Matt if your interested in some instr. mrini@cfl.rr.com

P.S. Matt Helped develop the New Strada and might even have one sittin' there that you can test drive!

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  • Baller

They close the gate valve April 1 on my lake in Pennsylvania. I hope to be back on the water in 2-3 weeks. I may miss a weekend since my family is awaiting the arrival of my brother and his wife's third child. I hope to have the slalom course back in the water before the end of april. I will be working extra hours through the end of April.

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  • Baller
My 15 year old son is at Sunset Ski Ranch skiing with Terry Winter.   He flew down yesterday and will come home Saturday night.  I talked to him last night and he is in heaven.  I had him read Terry's blogs before he left.  He said he was glad he did because he was able to have a clue and really put things together.  Am I jealous?????  you bet.  I am stuck here chasing bad guys and he is chasing bouys.    OF
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Lakewood (Tacoma). Didn't know if you were Pierce County or local. I know a lot of area (Lakewood, Tacoma, Pierce Co.) PD so was wondering if you were more local. Would be nice to meet you some day. I was intimately involved with the 4 Lakewood PD killed and then Deputy Mundell. Thank you for what you do to serve our communities!
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  • Baller
OF, I'm jealous. I live here and never get to ski with Terry. I have skied with his brother Mike on occasion and he is also an excellent coach. This has been the coldest week in the last month but probably feels warm coming from Washington.
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I talked to Tomas on the phone last night and he said he was in a shorty and it was fine.  But of course it is all relevant to what you are use to.  He said his back leg was killing him from the spray off the ski as it always does the first few times out of a dry suit.  We all just gut it out the first few times because we don't want to get caught wearing a spray leg.  I told Tomas to just wear a spray leg as he is skiing 4 days in a row.  He said, "No way dad, Terry said he would take a photo and post it on Ball of Spray."  I said I understand and I really don't feel sorry for him being where he is at and who he is skiing with......OF 

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I live here too and dsmart is right... it's been a wet cold week. Today it's currently 48 with 12 mph se wind and raining.  Not very good skiing conditions.  My ski buddy and I skied late yesterday and it was not too bad, just a little cool (by Sacramento standards) with glass water.

dsmart likes to occasionally buzz our lake in his sheriff's helicopter... land next time and we'll pull ya!

I've also skied with Mike Winter and he is a good coach.

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  • Baller

Thats the spirit Rob, no matter what the temp, I like it.  That is pretty brave talk coming from the chilly state of Washington.

Pretty jealous of Tomas, hope he knows how lucky he is.  Sunset is my favorite place to ski, hands down.  A 5+ hour trip but it was worth it.  However,  Monday morning briefings sucked, after getting back at o dark 30.

This weather sure is hampering us in southern Oregon, but hoping to get a set in between the storms tomorrow.  Our water temp was 60 last weekend, but not anymore.

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I usually wear a dry suit into March here in So Cal/Bakersfield.  If the sun is out I might try the wetsuit.  It is tough to justify anything but a dry suit if the combined air and water are 100 degrees or less.  Once the spring weather starts to  hold and the water gets into the mid 60 and days are into the 70's it is either shorty or the full suit.  I have a difficult time wearing neoprene once we get into April, unless I'm skiing on an overcast day.

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  • Baller_
I get cold quite often when I ski in shorts and my gooru top, and I hate being cold. Wearing the right layers under the drysuit makes it warmer/cooler depending on the day. Warm muscles are less apt to "pull" so that's another benefit, and the bag suit also helps in bleeding off speed. I generally ski in the drysuit from October through May, but this season I'm going to stay in it longer, and put it on if the weather is cold and grey. There's nothing worse than droppping at the end of the lake and having my teeth chatter. Our water rarely gets much over 70'F in the western side of the state. Skiing in a bag suit is kind of like always having some head wind.
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  • Baller
Nice. He can savor them. I was just wondering because I usually can't wait to get out of the drysuit and into the Guru top. RD is probably in much better shape than I am in. I like to shed the extra drag/weight.
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