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Strada Numbers

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Strada Set Up Numbers

65  28 1/8" 2.500, 6.845,  0.745  9
66  28 5/8" 2.500, 6.845, 0.750  9
67  29 1/2" 2.505, 6.850, 0.750  9
68  30"     2.500, 6.855, 0.760  9
For toe loop skiers, the boots go 1/8" more forward and the fin moves forward 0.005 and less length by 0.005.


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The only difference in numbers that Eddie gave me for a 67 was lenght being 6.840 and for now these numbers are sweet.

Just remember my friend this ski loves counter rotation, comes around real nice and hooks up even better. 

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  • Baller


Don't forget to post up about what you feel when you go from 28 3/4" to 28 5/8". I am at 3/4 and also a bit short at 6.837. I think the smart move is to move back 1st and then add a bit of tip to tighten things up as needed. Hoping to have good weather this weekend for my first bit of experimentation.

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  • Baller

The numbers work for both 36 and 34.  They are meant as starting numbers and you can dial in as your style needs after that.  When Matt and I have put skiers at the above numbers, we have not had any need for further adjustment.  For guys running deep shortline on the 67, you could start at 6.845 length.  That is measured in tips by the way.  I run the 66 at basically the above numbers but have the fin deeper (2.52) and I run my boots at 28 3/4".  I think I may end up more like 2.517 but have been liking how a deep fin keeps my ski moving through the turn.  Most skiers will not like the fin that deep.  



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  • Baller

Well, I have two ways to try it now. My reason for trying to move back a bit was to keep the ski moving through toe side, but Chris' reasoning of going deeper with the fin might accomplish the same thing.

On the other side of the coin, I am at already at 2.510, so the move back might be the one. Time for a little experimentation.


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  • Baller

Who's gonna pull you Mike? JD's out. Dawg has a Tri on Sunday and thinks he needs to rest. (Whuss) Hopefully Jim is free.

 I hate to tell you this, but you are going to be a convert. Hopefully JD will be able to handle your defection from the D3 camp.

Call me this weekend and let me know what you think.

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Flew to DFW to ski the Strada this weekend.

The Strada Rocks.

I tried to go deeper then 2.500 but found that to be the best. 

.756 was better then .750

The ski can turn and still provides a bit of slide after hook up. After comming off of a 67 RS1, the 66 was pleanty of ski for me.

Radar has made a great ski again and you will see lots of them on the water soon.

The best part is that I just mounted it up and went right through all my easy passes with no issues. (with a big smile on my face)

By my 4th set, I was being coached and I forgot that I had a new ski under me. Awesome ski.

Thager was even looking good on it after getting his hips up.     


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  • Baller

skied the 67 strada 3 sets now just started ski this season, 185lbs 6'2"   turny pb 1@ -38 

started at 29 1/4 fb   2504 6850 75, 9 down slow turning both sides moved boots forward

now at 29 1/2 fb  75.5 2504 6850 9  better still want a quicker/ tigher  off side turn just running -22 and -28 now

 there are like a station wagan 135   great 246 as good or better than my 67 MPD  

thinking about going to 2500 depth

 ski is supper stable!! they do ski big,    

 I may need  to try 66 !!



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I am 180lbs and 6ft coming off a 67 prophecy. Ski turns great and carries speed better for me Took me a few sets to get used to how light and nimble it felt. Glad I got the 66. 34mph 32 off. Also free ski a bit on the rivers around couer' d alene. I am amazed how easy this ski comes around while feeling fast and predictable.
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What was the issue? If anything it may be too long at 6.856. Try 6.850, .756 and 2.500 Maybe even 2.48

The depth is fine for me and length seams a bit better. But I did notice that the DFT needed to be in the .756 range to make it a sweet turning ski.  





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2.505, 6.845, .750 seems to work best for me. Much more space in front of the buoy. Increasing the dft made it so that if I pushed the ski any, it would hammer the finish of the turn.  It already turns so well, I didn't need that. 
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Ok 5 th set on the 67 strada   5th set of the yr it was a long snowski season

i'm close to the # ms through out there

29 1/2 Fb size 8 reflex 17 1/4 rear animal medium

2.500 6.856  .77  9 down wicked off side turns now, fast and smooth ski   will start to get some 32 and 35 next week


185 lbs 6'2"

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  • Baller


In your post regarding set up #'s for the Strada, you said, "For toe loop skiers, the boots go 1/8" more forward and the fin moves forward 0.005 and less length by 0.005."  If you would, please explain why the front boot for toe loop skiers should be an 1/8" more forward, and the reason for the different fin settings for D.O.T. and fin length.  

Thank you in advance,

Doug Rooker  



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  • Baller

Radar factory numbers are set for double boots.  When a skier uses a toe loop, they have relatively no pull from their rear heel in the pre turn.  The ski acts very differently with this lack of pull.  The suggested changes will make the ski perform better.  The forward boot movement helps to engage the tip in the preturn.  Less tip and forward will allow the ski to carry out with the forward boot and still make tight turns.  If a toe loop skier were to ski at our factory settings for double boots, the ski would run too straight in the pre turn and make turns that have too large a radius.  Hope this helps.



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  • Baller
Chris Rossi, I ski with my size 10 feet close together. With 29.25 front, the back would be 17.50-17.75 (I don't mind them apart in this range) You once wrote that, for you, you set the rear where you want it and the front follows. On the RS1, I HAD to spread them apart to feel like I was standing in the right place on both sides of the course. With that target spacing in mind, where should I start with the boots on the Strada? Thanks!
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  • Baller


I understand you and Trent are running a bit forward of the "factory" 29 5/8" recommendation for the 66" ski. What were you looking for in the move and what is the trade off? Thanks again for all the input. 

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I am now running 28 5/8" on the 66.  When the water was colder, I ran 28 3/4.  I just go with what feels best on both sides of the course.  Can't believe how many of these skis I'm seeing already.  Fun stuff.
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  • Baller

Hi Chris,

I am coming off an A-1. PB 5@28 on the A-1. Really good offside turner.

I'm trying a 67" Strada, 180#, 34mph

Settings are 2.50, 6.850, 0.757, 9 degree

Size 9 Strada boots LFF @ 29.5" to rear of front boot.

Good pull out to a one handed gate, good turn in through the gates, great one ball, way early to two ball, then coming out of two ball pointed right at 3 ball. Do you think technique or settings? Should I go forward with my front boot 1/8" or add a bit more tip. 6.85XX ?

 I know, hard to tell w/o video, but what's your best guess?

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Chuck I have a 67 and it was doing the same thing, so I moved the bindings back 1/2 hole moved fin back to 74.7   magic!!!  -32 real smooth and early -35 will try soon spring has been cold and wet in the east wa.


29 1/2 fb  17 1/4 rear  2.500 6.850  74.7  9 down  185lbs 6'2"



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  • Baller

I have the same problem on the 67" as well. I talked to Chris at radar and he said move the bindings back a half hole as well and also move the fin back after that. I will try it this weekend. I am currnently at 0.76,6.85,2.48 and 29.5 front boot.

I am tring the 66" too. Settings are .75, 6.85, 2.5 and 28 5/8. I am 185lbs and a 32 off 34mph skier. The 66 turns awesome on my offside especially. I feel unstable on it however, especially if i get on the front. I took a header on it 2 weeks ago, the first one in a while. The Strada boots releasing great was the only positive. Any recommendatins on improving the stability on it would be helpful. Suprisingly I get plenty of width with it.

I am on the fence on length becouse I typically drop into the mid 170s by July.

I need to make up my mind soon. Thanks

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