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Bindings for Radar Senate C


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First let me say that I hardly feel worthy of even posting on this forum, you guys are all accomplished skiers and I'm just a fresh greenhorn.  With that said I'm wise enough to get info from those that have been there and done that (though at my level it may have been 30+ years since you've been there).   I ski on a private lake alone (wife pulls me) with no vets to get input from.  Occasionally I get to ski with some old salts and I'm sure I worry them to death (Jody).  

I just start skiing effectively last year and skiing the course this year.  Truth is I can't get even get all the balls at 30mph and 15 off though I'm working on it.  I've only ever skied one ski, a 69" Obrien Synchro.  I'm 5'8" and 195 lbs (I like to think I'm not fat but "solid").  I feel as if turning the big Synchro is akin to turning a surf board but what do I know, I've never tried another ski.  I know the ski is not the limiting factor but my curiosity got the best of me and today I picked up a used 67" Radar Senate C here on these forums, which leads to reason I'm posting.

I will definitely use a RTP but what front binding should I try?  I currently use the Targa on the Synchro and love the convenience of getting it off and on but figure that I might as well try a more agressive binding on the Senate.  I would prefer to stay away from wraps and the need for soap.  At my level I would say that convenience and comfort ranks a close second to performance and is a major consideration.  Any advice will be greatly appreciated.    


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First of all: Please feel free to post here. This site is not for shortline guys. It is for everyone.

Bindings.... If you are getting the Radar Ski, get the darn Radar Strada bindings. For sure. If you can find the new O'Brien Prodogy I think that is also a great choice.  Call Tadd at H2Oz. Tell him I sent you.

There are a lot of choices out there. The HO Animal or D3 Custom are the standard for rubber. You can not go wrong. There is also Wileys but sometimes the hole pattern puts your front foor too far forward.

For hard shells there are now 4 or 5 good choices. Goode, HO, Reflex, Fogmen.... other.

 What size & Foot forward?


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I'm RFF with a 9 - 10 shoe size

I've lurked enough to know to call Tadd and I did just that earlier today and ended up ordering a HO Level but when we talked I had it in my mind that I wanted something similar to the Targa binding I'm using now.  I've since had a change of heart and figure I should go with something more aggressive since I already have the Targa.


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  • Baller_
bxroads - a strada boot with a RTP will be fine, just don't get carried away over-tightening the laces. Comfy feet are one of the most important things while skiing. Sounds like you should save yourself the years of frustration that some skiers (myself included) have suffered through, and get some coaching now before you develop a buch of bad habits.
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  • Baller
I would definitely go with the Strada binding on the front. I have skied many different bindings and since moving to the RS1s (predecessor to the Strada) I would never go back. There are several systems that would fit your criteria of no soap/ consistent release with RTP etc including (Reflex, FluidMotion and more). But I would go with the strada for price and ease of use and setup. I know ScarletArrow tried the RS1s and didn't like them and went back to the Wiley's so you may or may not like it but I would say go for the Strada.
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  • Baller
I think it is interesting that ScarletArrow went back to the Wiley's. I came off Wiley's and had been skiing in that kind of boot for 30 years and went to the Strada with no problem and can't imagine switching back.
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I just talked to Tadd and the Strada is on the way.  He said going from the 69" Synchro/Targa to the 67" Senate C/Strada will be like going from a mini van to an Indy car and encouraged lots of free skiing first.  I know at my skill level I'm not ready for it but excited none the less.



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bxroads: you aren't getting in over your head, not by a long shot. The Senate and Strada's have a high performance ceiling but they are both remarkably balanced. The Senate can rip, no doubt, but it is also very stable. Pro skiers are taking bone stock Strada boots and running -41', but yet they are not usually overwhelming to a -15' skier. You are really going to enjoy this new setup.

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  • Baller
With the first generation of RS-1 bindings the cuff really dug into my achilles. Otherwise, they were great. From what I understand - in Radar's marketing material and from my ski buddy's own pair - the Strada's appear to have corrected that issue by using a bit softer material and a less canted position on the ankle. I would actually be willing to give the new Strada's a try.
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