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EZFTC Sept - Winner gets a date with The_Krista?


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Looking to make the EZFTC more fun for September. What do I have to do to get you guys fired up?

Ideas: (Not all are good ideas)

Raise entry fee to $5 or $10 award all of the fees to the winner - guaranteed to be at least $100

Winner gets a date with The_Krista  or Eric Lee

Winner gets a custom “BOS Intergalactic EZFT Champion”  Vest

Winner gets a custom “BOS Intergalactic EZFT Champion” die cut sticker

Winner gets a custom “BOS Intergalactic EZFT Champion” T-Shirt

Winner gets the 80s vintage MasterCraft Pulse from my office

Winner gets some other crap . . . .

Please join for Aug! http://www.ballofspray.com/sign-up

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 Not the best photo of The_Krista but you get the idea














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  • Baller
I'm 57, either I would die from a date with her or my wife would kill me, either way I'd be dead http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif
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You guys think if we have some cash on the line this will be more interesting? I just want to find a way to make this fun.

And no, there is Zero chance of any of you getting a date with The_Krista. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4-6ay9R-bLE/TFhs0V02DcI/AAAAAAAADS4/3nBeWlWwWTM/s400/DSC_9177.JPG









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OK stop. There is no date with The_Krista. Yea I started it I know. At least I got you to look.

Would you pay $10 to join Sept EZFTC? $100 payout!

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  • Gold Member

Not to diss The_Krista, but I have a better plan:  How 'bout if The_Krista babysits the thanimal's kids and the thanimal goes on a date with the thanimal's wife!

Oh, and in answer to if we can get back to talking about EZFTC: No.

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  • Baller

A million years is not that long :-) Krista, Alabama is a happening place to ski, specifically Athens AL. There is much to be said for Southern hospitality. Horton, can I just owe you a dollar? I don't have paypal and honestly don't want to register for anything else on the Internet.

Lindsay Burgreen M3

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  • Administrators
It is not about how much money.... it is about how to get you guys excited enough to fly to where ever MS is and put Motor Oil in his binding.
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