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Balance -- what does Karina mean?


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So I listened to the part of the Diablo webcast where Karina was out-announcing all the veteran announcers, and she kept talking about "balance."  She mentioned "good balance," "skiing balanced," etc. repeatedly.

But I don't think I REALLY understand what she is talking about.  On the one hand it's kinda obvious you need to be balanced on your ski -- otherwise you will fall over!  But I feel confident she meant something much more than THAT!

Since I aim to do anything Karina Nowlan tells me to do, I'd like to understand how I'm supposed to apply this "balance" concept to my skiing.

Can anybody help?  (I don't suppose Karina herself ever posts on here?)

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  • Baller
I think most people generally have a tendancy to think of balance being left to right, ie lateral. Which is where your thought of falling over comes from. Balance in the left and right vector seems to start with the head's positioning. My perception is that when Karina(or Andy, or Jodi, etc) talk about balance they are keying in on the skier being over the top of the ski and centered over the bindings in a stacked position, ie fore/aft positioning. This is something that Jodi really tried to beat into me, starting from the time my ski broke over the surface and planed out after the deepwater start. 
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Worse that that did you hear Asher screwing with me about New School? I think he was being funny… maybe that is just him but I kept trying to get info out of him and he kept pitching it back to me. The odds that I am right and he does not have an opinion are VERY LOW.  Whatever, he is a super nice guy and his 2/4/6 turn!

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  • Baller
She means reallly, truly balanced. They are not thinking about what their ski is doing and it is part of the Whole skier. They are allowing the boat/rope/forces to push them through the course. They aren't pulling or struggling or over-turning. The left and right sides are equal. They are flowing, etc, etc....
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Drago, those all sound great, but I don't understand what that means to actually DO.  Perhaps if I were a natural athlete instead of a natural math geek, I would just know how to be balanced in all senses.  But I'm afraid I need more specific direction.

Or is balance more a term you can use to describe good skiing, but not directly usable as a coaching tool?

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  • Baller
As Shane was saying Jodi wants a 50/50 stance in terms of front and rear foot pressure. To achieve that he had me really exaggerate my counter rotation of my right hip (LFF). When I did this I couldn't help but be stacked on top of my ski and pressure the front foot more. It really helped my offside turn dramatically, but I'm still a duffer.
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  • Baller

It's your goal. You only achieve Balance [capital B] when you no longer "do" stuff.It's a Zen-type thing. It comes and goes when It wants and you have very little to do with it.That's why she was saying it. It's a nod of the head, like , "Yup, he's there". Nice. Peace. It's when all those robotic moves actually become Natural.

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Don't try to ski like Karina. She is amazing but what the heck is she doing? I mean, I think she is the best but is wild to watch.

Watch Parsons and Coble Eller. Stable, calm and smooth. Those are the two that I want to ski like.... or the two that I think I understand

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  • Baller

Lots of great skiers to watch this weekend but Nate Smith was the skier who truly made it look easy, similar to Parrish.  Even at 39, there was no hard pull which results in a hard edge change and jumping all over front in the turn.   Smith was so light on the line, I couldn't believe it was 39. 

The ladies were fun to watch as well.

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  • Baller

What about Parrish's technique.  He is a giant but he seems to be really smooth, very balanced and doesn't do anything funky on the ski.  Parrish runs some of the smoothest 39s I have ever seen (on video).

I have watched April Coble from the boat and she is unbelievable to watch every pass looks the same and she is very balanced and smooth.  Hers is a good technique to watch for us mortals because she never tries to overpower anything and runs into 39 at 5'7".


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You guys see the video on the front page? (if you did not know there was a front page or where it is I will freak'n ban you for life)
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Although I have become aware of the front page, and even check it occasionally (by hitting the Ball of Spray image from the forum page), I'm not sure which videos you are referring to.  Is one of those a particularly good example of "balanced" skiing?
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