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Please make your appointment today!!


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  • Baller

Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I fell good. Treatments and screenings are better everyday. I'm confident in my progress and prognosis.


Perhaps my biggest point is the disease changes a lot in your life. Changes that sometimes are painful and difficult. Changes to you and to those you love. Changes to the things you love to do. Why risk the changes or endure them. Take an hour once a year and get checked - it's the one regret I have.

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  • Baller
Went this weekend and had another batch of dry sensitive spots frozen off. I seem to get a lot around my eyebrows and cheeks. just had one froze under my nose at the top of my lip, that was an eye opener! prayers to Keith to get this behind him. Have your checks. Sun exposure is the slow boiling water to the frog.
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Wow, I have not posted in years now but still lurking. We have lost our course years ago so just open water skiing. So a quick update my melanoma has been gone for years and I am now down to annual checkups. I thank Wish for reaching out to me. It was good to talk with someone who had gone threw this. I have since had to deal with bladder cancer and was doing very well. My last check up found it had returned but had the tumor remove a week ago today so back to checkups every 3 months again. Still all in all I am doing very well. I am skiing better then I ever had so like a good wine I am getting better with age! Could be removing the little balls that give us so much grief and pleasure!

In the end I just would say if any of you have any thoughts or see any reason to have concern get a check up, if you catch this crap early we have an amazing medical ability to deal with much of this. Good luck and prayers for all who can use them.

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Do understand that the sun burns are very bad and a blistering burn is asking for trouble!

I enjoyed the sun most of my young life never had any issues until I got to my sixty-secondxvs7wpbsfqvq.jpg

year then I got the report melanoma I was very lucky to catch it very early. Three trips on the table chopping more each time but in the end all has been very good.

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  • Baller

Thanks @sunvalleylaw!!


Can't believe it's been another year! About a year ago I posted an update and said that the drugs I've been on typically work for 6-8 months for about 3/4 of those who are good candidates for them. Well I'm here a year later and still no negative signs!! The 'bad news' (well massive anxiety causing anyway) is I have another 6 months check up a week from Tuesday. I generally feel good and don't anticipate anything but there are some signs the drugs are working over my liver a bit. They work so I hope I can continue to take them. But the Drs. say there are other options if not. My fingers are crossed.


A couple months ago I had the distinct honor of being an invited guest at an amazing fundraiser event in Dallas specifically for melanoma research that organized by Suzanne Warner. Those of us from the SCR and from the Junior tournaments will recognize her and the Warner family for sure. The event was hosted at a high end store in downtown Dallas that had several 'local' celebrity and sports names show up. Between the tickets, raffles, live auction and donations the event raised more than $110,000! The chance to raise awareness by sharing our stories and struggle was priceless!


While I was there I shared a prediction I've heard from another dermatologist that said in 5 or so years we'll be treating melanoma like any other chronic disease where as long as you take your medicine you'll live a typical life. The research Doc at the event quickly interrupted and said no, I predict we're at the doorstep of being able to treat melanoma like we would pneumonia. Treat it for a period of time and then it's gone.


I'm betting they're right ... my life depends on it!


Make your appointment today!!!

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  • Baller

I had my semi-annual check up and oil change with the doctors at UT Southwestern. After a MRI, two CT scans, blowing out the IV which injects the contrast, blood test and two separate doctor's appointments, I was checked out clean! I can't explain in words how big of a relief it is to hear "all your scans are clean"!


I had mentioned that I've felt fatigued and tired quite a bit lately and we discussed the side effects of the medicine and so such. They know I travel a lot for work and spend a lot of time in an airplane so the Dr suggests nonchalantly that "flying a private plane would help". When the nurse returns with the follow-up information she comes into the room shaking her head and says, "Now I've seen it all" as she hands me my paperwork. On top is a letter telling my employer that I should fly a private plane rather than commercial from now on!! I laughed and asked the Dr what difference it would make and he chuckled and said "Probably not much but it sure would be a lot more fun wouldn't it!?"


Gotta love a doctor looking out for your best interests!!!

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  • Baller_



With the winter approaching and all that down time, it is a great time of year to make that appointment. I'll be getting my checkup tomorrow morning. For those new the site, you can go to pg 1 to understand why I started this thread. Melanoma is one of the most preventable cancers. Just takes a phone call and 30mn of your time with a good Dermatologist that knows to look everywhere. I lost a year of my life and almost lost my life. Simply not worth putting off. I've posted this vid before but it is sorta buried in the pages. For those new to the site, it's a good one to watch especially if you have children.



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  • Baller
This very thread reminded me to get a checkup. Basal cell cancer removed. Wasn't keen on having holes cut in my face but, better sooner than later. Nice of you to use the difficult time you had to encourage others to avoid same.
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  • Baller
Scheduled to have three sites excised next week - one is melanoma and the other two are basal. Caught all of them early - had a melanoma 25 years ago and have kept an eye out for odd shaped and colored moles ever since. Hope its another 25 years before the next one!
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Still kicking! My dermatologist freeze's two to six spots each year but I will take that. Back to four month bladder scoping. If that goes good for another year or two I go back to A year of six month scooping. Then once A year. That was the point I was going to last recurrence. All I can say is don't hesitate if you see or think something might be wrong.

My Urologist just chuckles and says I am money in the bank for him! I am going to need prostate reduction soon. Dammer this getting old $#it is a bummer! But skiing better the ever!!!!!!!!!! How long before spring? Took the last docks and lifts out today. It now officially winter for us.

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I went to the dermatologist in May as my wife made herself an appointment and I thought it certainly wouldn't hurt. Thank Goodness I did! Some pre-cancerous spots on my face, obviously sun related. She told me to wait until fall to start the medicine she prescribed. I have been through one 2-week cycle of Zyclara which revealed many more spots than I expected. I'm half way through my second 2-week cycle now and have some unresolved areas showing up which will only get worse in the next week but will then heal quickly. Dr. says this should be all the treatment I need. Don't hesitate, Glad I Went. Plan to be much more diligent with the hat and sunscreen from now on!
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  • Baller

Had a chunk taken out of my back and at least half a dozen spots on forehead and eyebrows frozen off. Freezing seems to be a seminannual thing for me and hopng that’s all it will be.


I wear a full brim hat in boat, golfing, or just in the sun in general now.


Word to the wise for the younger bucks. None of us old timers used sun screen or wore shirts back in the day. I’m not sure there is such a thing as a “healthy” tan.

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2019 and time to keep this going. I just finished round two for melanoma. After being clear since 2012 I had a area on my cheek looked at. Late March the biopsy came back positive so for me back to Ann Arbor. Yesterday I had my last of three surgery's. I got it very early again and just want all to have a good look at things that are new and not normal. Be safe my fellow sun lovers.
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  • Baller

3 years ago in between dermatology visits I noticed what appeared to be a pink wart on my scalp. I treated it with wart-be-gone and it did not improve. So I went to see the dermatologist who biopsied the wart which turned out to be a deep Melanoma. I had it surgically removed along with 3 sentinel lymph nodes which all tested negative for Melanoma.

Fast forward to 14 months ago I was diagnosed with Metastatic Melanoma. The cancer had spread to most of the vertebra in my spine(I thought it was arthritis from skiing), my illiam, my lungs(10 tumors), my liver and 3 tumors in my brain. Yes I thought I was a goner but with the help of some amazing new drugs, a world class facility(Stanford)and a bit of will power, I managed to scrap back into the game. The cancer is gone from my brain and also my lungs, but I’m not even close to being out of the woods yet as it still remains and is slowly growing in my liver and back. The odds are still stacked against me but if I can impart some wisdom then I guess I’m doing some good.

Your life can turn on a dime, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. This uncertainty is what makes life worth living but you at least want to stack the odds in your favor as much as possible.

No matter how many times I say it or anyone else on this thread speaks about this beast of a disease, you owe it to yourself to take the time once every 6 months and get checked out as your life may depend on it. I had a hack for a dermatologist and the scalp area is hard to see anyway so get yourself a great dermatologist even if you have to travel, trust me you don’t want to be looking back and saying woulda, coulda, shoulda.

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  • Baller_
Matt is correct..not all Dermitologist are created equal. My father's didn't even have him take off his shirt knowing he had a family history and he's a redhead. Nothing short of malpractice IMO as he ended up in surgery for a spot on his arm. He's ok but an unessisary scare to say the least. Your visit should not be a time of modesty. They should look EVERYWHERE. Also do not think you can self diagnose by looking on the internet. My Derm takes spots off me Id never imagine to be much of anything and leaves stuff I'm sure she'd take. Don't ask someone with a history of skin cancer to take a look at something you're questioning..yes it happens. My Derm suggested I bring my hair cut gal up to speed and have her look for any changes..not diagnose..just changes since she is rummaging through every part of my scalp often. Matt, thank you for sharing. Prayers your way.
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I had to push my dermatologist to take a 2ed and 3ed look at this last area. I went in for another growth just behind the melanoma area. I don't know what to think about this but my area is so short of dermatologist if I did not have mine its a two hour drive to get into another. If you are in dough push! I had the final removal and repair to my face last Thursday. Going back for stitches removal this Thursday. The Doc's working on me said they are having very good results with T Cell on melanoma. As said I don't know Matt but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Have the Doc's used or working with T Cell treatment for you. Just a question I would not suggest it other then interested on other treatments?
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  • Baller
@sixball I have another round of scans coming next month and depending upon what they show will determine what drug I’m on next. I’ve had Keytruda, Opdivo/Ipilimimab combo and now just Opdivo as the Ipi caused severe colitis like what @klindy was talking about(lost 30lbs) but i did respond right away to Remicade which immediately stopped the colitis. I am not familiar with T-Cell therapy other than these immunotherapy drugs I’ve been on are supposed to activate my T-Cells.
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  • Baller

@matthewbrown Sorry to hear about your situation. You are exactly right that your life can change (good or bad) literally instantly. Keep the faith and know there are LOTS of prayers and support available.


I also responded really well to Remicade. In fact, my doctor described what I'd feel as the medicine took effect would be like Popeye after he ate the spinach! And she was exactly right! Without it I was on a path to have my colon removed. With it, allowed me to be CJ at the 2014 Nationals just 2 days out of the hospital. My first dose of Remicade lasted about 3 weeks and I needed 2 additional doses. I begged for another dose but the doctors said no since it was an off-label use of the drug and they were concerned about additional side effects. I was told the half-life of the Ipilumimab was approximately 6 months,


Since approximately mid-2015 I have been on Mekanist & Tafinlar which have been very effective. The doctors are actually surprised how long they have been effective for me. I count myself as extremely fortunate!


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So my very basic understanding of T Cell therapy could be what you are doing. It is boosting the immune system to Target a specific cancer. It sounds as things are coming along for you. It sounds like you care is good. I will say I was told the University of Michigan has one of the best Melanoma research clinics in the USA. I was asked to go down to U of M as soon as I was diagnosed. Its not a long trip for me and my brother is just a shot drive from the hospital so A no brainier for me.


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  • Baller

I had what turned out to be benign lump off my clavicle about a week ago. Pretty scary after reading matt and klindy. I had appointment in June set up, but I moved that up when the spot turned weird with scabs on it.


Don't delay

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This thread popped into my brain this morning. My wife talked me into going to the dermatologist with her last year as we both spend considerable play time in the sun. Thankfully I did. I had pre-cancerous cells mostly on my temple area and cheek/cheekbone area. I was treated with Zyclara. Not pretty but my post treatment appointment revealed everything is fine. The areas cleared up quickly post treatment and my skin is now back to normal. My only symptom was a very small dry area on my temple that would peel periodically. It reminded me of when my lips get dry and peel. However, it was maybe 1/4 centimeter at the largest, kind of pencil tip size. I got lucky. Don't take chances and go get checked! I now wear a wide brimmed hat to provide more protection to the affected areas...and sunscreen.







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  • Baller
I go every 6 months (yesterday in fact). Yesterday's visit required one freeze only, so great checkup overall. I ski 2 sets, 4 times a week plus tournaments where I'm a skier, judge and driver. I wear sun screen on my face and the backs of my hands and a hooded long sleeve shirt to help prevent issues. Great thread, we spend a lot of time in the sun and we've all seen what the sun does to everything else, why should our skin be any different :o
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  • Baller

My turn. Hadn’t been since 2012, but the Doc had taken an extensive inventory including pics then...so she easily knew there was a NEW mole in my low back (that rarely gets much sun! WTF?!). Results today from last week’s biopsy: atypical/pre-cancerous. Making an Appt soon to get it removed.


Don’t wait gents - get checked!!!

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  • Baller_
Very frustrated today to here my father had his six month Derm checkup and found out the doc only checked his hands and legs and face. WTF??? He's had full on Melinola 3yrs ago. He's getting checked again ASAP. Do NOT let your Dermitologist skip any part of your body..any. It's not the time to be modest. If you're not getting ALL your epidermis checked, find a new doc.
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  • Baller
Several years ago I got frustrated with my derm. and stopped going. He would scan me so quickly that I was pointing out spots he missed so I figured what's the point. Fast forward to this year and I had a couple of spots that just didn't look right. Went to a new derm. last week, had several spots frozen and have the first cut session scheduled for next Wednesday. Thankfully, these are pre-cancerous. They also want to do the cream/light face treatment. Anyone have any experience with that?
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  • Baller
@"76S&S" My dermatologist prescribed that creme for me, very expensive. I had a bad reaction to it so I quit using it. I told him to cut or freeze any spots he finds. No harm as far as I can tell. I do wear a big hat when outdoors now as well as a good sunscreen.
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