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Please make your appointment today!!


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  • Baller

Being blonde and fair skinned that burnt to a crisp regularly when I was younger, I go several times a year and get stuff frozen off. I had the first cut with the knife when I was in my mid-20's and have had several since. Luckily, everything the last few years has gone away with freezing.


Even though we wear big hats, don't forget sun is reflected off the water under the hat and you aren't wearing a hat when you ski. Bimini tops a must! Bikini tops optional... :blush:

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  • Baller

I was Diagnosed and treated for Melanoma in 1996 Clark level 3. Clear since, but had to follow up with an oncologist 5 years, and skin checks every six months since.....Mike Morgan saved my life...he got me in the medical school at OU where he was doing his fellowship.

One of our friends Charlie Bauman was not so lucky. He had a lymph node removed (positive biopsy) in May and was gone by July...it was the most aggressive cancer I have ever seen.

Get Checked!!

Remember Chicks dig scars have them cut it out....

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  • Baller_
Winter is the best time of yr to make your appointment. Don't wait till spring. A good Dermitologist with a good reputation will have wait times of up to 3 months. You don't want to be dealing with things when you're wanting to get back on the water. ?
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  • Baller

Don’t know why I didn’t think to add these with my post above.?‍♂️


My Doc suggested once a month self-exams; I’m going to ask my Significant Other to help. And offer to help with her monthly ‘pink ribbon’ self-exam. ?


(Brief edit: My recent bad spot was on my low back, centered about waist high...and hardly sees the sun over the last 30 years. The spots can showup anywhere - not just where you’d expect: face, scalp, hands shoulders, etc.)






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  • Baller_

@mfjaegersr get to know your skin..great stuff!!??


Your last sentence... ?


Word of causion. if you are doing a yearly checkup with a Derm, that reference card is to help ID questioned areas to show your Derm and NOT a replacement for an annual checkup. Can't tell you over the yrs how many times I was sure something was looking a bit off only to be told it was fine ...."but this one over here has gotta go"..referring to something I'd never even consider. Moral of the story is the derms know better then we do (even with the card) and by a very wide margin obviously.


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I am looking every time I am in front of a mirror. If something is changing I am watching. As I said I called for a check from my Dermatologist this spring and what I was in question about was not a cancer. But I was pointing out another spot I was seeing starting to appear and did resemble my first Melanoma. Her first answer was it nothing. But as she was freezing the spot I ask for the appointment for, she kept looking at the other area I pointed out. In the end a biopsy was taken and weeks later I was in Ann Arbor getting the first of three surgery's. Get it early and its very simple to work with. Don't let it get into the system if so its going to be a much bigger battle!
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  • Baller
@mfjaegersr has posted great visual info. I can also add that you will need to pay attention to little dry scaley spots that may get picked off and grow back. I get a lot of these around my temples and eyebrows. They are also very sensitive like a pin prick or something. I have had 2 million of these frozen off over the years.
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I spent two years on the beaches of he Mediterranean sea in my young years. I was so brown but back then we had no idea it was not good for one. Sun burns was the norm. I just might be paying the price now. The rest of my life has not been short of way to much sun! Making big changes now and the last seven or eight years but the damage has been done. Be careful!
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  • Baller
I just had 2 spots on my arm taken off and sent in for biopsy and now have to go back to the DR for further work.My fault as I never was careful in the sun and now am paying the price when you are old.However I am smarter now and very careful in the sun so perhaps it is never too late...........
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  • Baller



Both spots tested positive for squamous cell carcinoma and he took out some at each spot.Those were sent to the lab for biopsy and will find out next wk.I really don't want to go back however its winter now here so I can get into shape for my skiing next spring.Oh well its never late to learn a lesson........

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You should be good for the season coming. In all my work once started they move quite quick. Even with four surgical procedures I was only limited for A month and a half. Good luck with your upcoming work! I did look like a racoon for some time with all my black eyes. I seam to remember with my squamous once started they could do a boundary and check and ether open A larger area or close up all in one day. Only in my case I had to have plastic surgery with an eye specialist for rebuild so I had to go back for a rebuild.
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First sorry it took so long to get back but I have been in the north country woods no internet. I am doing very good. I have a check up in a month or so. All I can say is my procedures went very well. With melanoma it takes 24 hours to even look at boundary's so things take longer. With squamous they did all the work on removal in one day but had to go back and have my eye area rebuilt form the work. In the long run I had very little pain did not need pain meds other then the first day from my rebuild. I was skiing before my Doc. would have liked as he would have liked more time for the wounds to have closed longer. But they were closed. And I don't think he even gave any thought to some one skiing as early as we do in the spring. All in all things went very well and much easier then I was thinking. I have been very lucky to have found both my melanoma early and I have had some excellent Doc's. and for me Uof M is one of the leading hospitals for melanoma!

Good luck and hope you see many P.B. this coming year. Anything I or I bet the rest of us can do just holler.


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  • Baller
@bananaron Doing alright. I'm thankful that the doc got everything on my nose but, it will be awhile before I look normal again. I'm paying for my younger years. I still have to have a full face treatment "chemo cream" for a lack of a better explanation. Thanks for asking.
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I just joined this forum today as a long time slalom enthusiast, finally back on the water after 2 years out due to a hip injury. I just moved to Chicago so was looking to connect with others.




I’m a dermatologist. And my heart is exploding with pride to see this amazing community promoting safe sun practices and yearly melanoma checks.


I’m so sad for those of you that have had to endure the battle with your melanoma cancer, and simultaneously filled with joy that you have taken your experience and turned it into good advocating and educating others. Thank you. Early detection is the KEY.


Melanoma has taken too many of my ski crew. And I’m always around to do a free zoom chat for this community if that’s ever of interest. UPF ? + SPF ? all the time!!


And reminder - no matter how high the number or expensive the sunscreen - it doesn’t last longer than 2 hours!! ⏱


If you need a good Derm, you can ask me, but the best way is through the American Academy of Dermatology website - AAD.org - just put in your zip code and it will populate all board-certified derms in your area!!! ✔️ https://www.aad.org/public


Thanks again for this post - as I look out on our boat on Lake Chautauqua after a great morning ski, THIS is what made my day!! ??‍⚕️

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  • Baller
Thanks again for the advice, I did get to the Dr and indeed have multiple actinic (aka solar) keratoses on my head and face, these are pre cancerous and are those small scaly sort of patches. I am taking a topical medication for 2 weeks and it seems to be working but my face is horribly red and blotchy, and I am supposed to limit exposure to UV which is easy to do right now as we have been having a series of storms here. But I hope to be able to reply to the 'roll call who is skiing thread' in Feb. Take care ballers and get this checked out.
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  • Baller

My visit to the derm a few weeks ago was clean but my colonoscopy on Monday found 4 small polyps. Should have had my 5 year check last year but delayed it a year because of Covid.


Now I'm wondering if the polyps were there and if they would have found them if I had gone in last year like I was supposed to.


Needless to say, will be getting checked every 3 years now.

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  • Baller_

Just finished my checkup today. All clear. Sadly my Dermitologist has retired. She was the best. The new guy isn’t too bad. Took his time. This was a worry as I’ve personally witnessed Dermitologist barely taking any time. Foolish. 

There’s still plenty of winter left (sadly) for a good chunk of u so not a bad time to make that appointment.  But don’t let weather stop u if you’re in warmer climates. 

Take care 👍

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  • Baller

I didn't start wearing hats outside until my mid 40s. I stared going a year ago and had some precancer things frozen off my head and one cancerous one removed from my nose. Glad I caught it early. This year I'm doing chemotherapy creme on my head and had a spot on my leg removed. If you have never been, GO at least once a year. 

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  • Baller_

All clear today!! And for the first time since 2004 when I was diagnose with malignant melanoma, I am officially on an annual check up vs every six months. 

So now is not a bad time to look into making your appointment. 

ABCs of Melanoma


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  • Baller

So timely. I just had my first dermatologist full scan- one spot biopsied on forehead basal cell carcinoma- just yesterday had MOHS procedure- only 2 layers taken - got all clear- stitched up- worst is CANT SKI FOR A WEEK. Blue Lizard sunscreen is what all my Drs are recommending- which I use religiously now. Worst is I’m looking at this 50 yards off my dock and can’t go ski. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY. 


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