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Ski Test - A2 rides 1-2


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This weekend I called Greg Badal to confirm fin and binding settings for the A2. I set the ski up as he suggested... but being stubborn I chose to leave the wing off for the first set. That did not work. It is a good thing I do not have to review the ski without a wing.


Second ride was with wing: Much better. Now we can get down to understanding the ski. The A2 is very different from the other skis that I have ridden so far this year so it is going to take a few rides to really learn something.


For now I can say that the A2 seems to demand that I keep my shoulders up approaching off side. The ski also seems to want me to ski aggressive.


23 rides to go ….

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Yeah Im coming off a sixam ss and its a completely different ski. It took me 5 sets to match my pb for this season. At 52 kph I didnt really like the ski. At 55 it was better and now at 58 i'm starting to love it.
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Bruce, I'd say they are very similar in cross course speed. On side turn is about the same. For me, the Nano accelerates out of my offside turn a bit better. I can 'feel' where I am in the course a little better with the Nano, but the A2 may be a touch more stable. With a bad turn, the Nano will still grab more angle.


Another guy in our club tried the A2 and really likes it; he's on an RCX now. I was surprised I was so comfortable on the A2, never been a big fan of HO skis. This one is impressive though.


Thanks again for sending me that Reflex ankle thing. Unfortunately, my ankle is beyond everything I've tried.

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Me too I feel like I'm skiing narrow compared to A1. I feel if I ski well the ski rewards, badly and it's game over. 1st set yesterday i went out a 15 off 55 kph and ran it real smooth, straight up to 58 and again real smooth, i actualy thought the boat driver had stayed at 55 it felt so easy. Then 22 off and i started skiing badly, just kind of lost rythm. 2nd set was better but i didnt run 22 off. 3rd set i was tired and so i stayed at 55kph but i took 2 serious out the fronts coming out of my offside turn straight into the wakes. No real damage except my ego!
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  • Baller

Disappointed to see that the fin cutout of ALL the A2's the vendor had on display at the Masters appeared crude in quality, too wide, and when the block and fin assembly mounted there was at least a 2mm gap on one or both sides. I've owned 2 Monzas and an A1, all 3 of which had tightly fitted fin slots with resin up into the slot from the bottom, but certainly not crude in appearance and definitely snug unlike those A2's on display.


Also, it appears HO has gone to a block and fin assembly very similar to Radar's, looks almost identical, red anodized aluminum and it appears a thinner fin as well. This makes the fin flex very notable in a poorly cut, big gap fin slot. On some skis the fin was flush against the bottom surface one side with an extra big gap on the opposite side making the fin flex very asymmetrical.


I did not notice this "flaw" on the S2's, even with the new thinner fins.


"Dave" was not present when inquiring about this and no satisfactory reply provided. Additionally, although just cosmetic, the resin bottom on some of the A2's had black speckled splotches mixed with what should have been solid red towards the tail.


Not an impressive display for what should have been factory 1st's only on display at the Masters.

To have seen all those "high end" skis strewn around on the sand early in the morning then later on the rack listed at full retail for $1149.00 was astonishing IMHO.




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Had 3 sets today after adjusting fin to ho's recommendation 6.845, 2.505, 0.780. Out the box the ski was at 6.820, 2.505, 0.785 and I was having to work very hard. With ho's numbers I am getting nice and wide and the ski feels much better in the turns. My coach said I was skiing much smoother today. I will try 6.840, 2.508, 0.775 tomorrow to compare
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