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My Son's First Shortline Pass


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Ok so boat speed was a little slow but the boat judge didn't seem to notice. Just a couple of days after his 2nd birthday, we asked my son Trevor what he wanted to do and he said "ski, water"! Out on the lake we went with his birthday ez-ski and when we rounded the bend to the section of lake with the course he yelled "Course!". So we took him through for his first pass. He had a huge smile on his face every time he passed a buoy. All of my frustrations with running 22 were forgotten, best day on the water all season.




Check out that lean!


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Thanks guys, it is a lot of fun seeing how much he gets out of the boat and skiing as a family. I may have turned him into a mild addict lately as he has been asking to watch Edged in Water 2 instead of Elmo in the mornings.


I hear ya about the shoulder, we did some training on land keeping the hips up and shoulders square.



I can't believe how fast they grow Jim, hopefully he slows down soon...

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