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strada but not a strada


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  • Baller
Which ski feels most like a strada? I really like the smoothness, free flow and easy on my body feel of the Strada. However, I can't get a 67" that works for me (have tried three including the 2012) I know, I know, so and so ran 43 on a 67" so it must just be me. Thanks for any suggestions.
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  • Baller

Well, it looks like I get the award for the dumbest question of the day, week ....


The first two strada's that I skied had as good an onside as I had ever had. Made big long turns on the offside. I am rff and ski compressed and my ski partner is lff and never bends his knees. He could not get it to turn his offside either. We moved the boots and fin to adjust, just did not work. Watched it from the back porch of a house on the hill looking down on the course. Big, long offside turn. The 2012 that I skied was a lot better and did turn the offside. I did not spend as much time tinkering with it as I did the first two but, for the few days I rode it it would turn about 9/10 of the way onside but would not complete the turn for me. I really wanted to like it because from the first pull out I liked the characteristics that I described in my first post. I will be lighter this year and will hover at or just below 180 at 6'0" skiing at 55k. I think the 66 is too small for me but, have not tried it. So I guess what I meant: is there a ski that has a similar feel to the strada? Thanks for the S2 recommendation, I'll try it.

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Strada not tuning on off side does not really make sense to me. Every ski behaves differently depending on how it is ridden. Maybe the Strada does not fit you.


On my old 68" Strada I ran the bindings back 1/2 a hole so I could move forward into offside and carve back. With the stock setting and my skiing style I found that I was getting to the apex and then all at once going 90. Turning off side should never be an issue on a Strada if you are somewhat on your front foot.


I think what you are asking for is a ski that you can turn off side with less weight on your front foot. I have not ridden an S2 yet but I think the A2 fits this request. I do not think the Fusion but the X7 should work. Skip the Connelly. Razor will work this way. Not sure about the Goodes. SansRival maybe.

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@MattP No. I said for less weight on your front foot going into Off Side


Fusion, Prophecy - I do not think so

Razor, SR, A2, X7 - worth a try

Goode, S2 - I do not know


That is not all skis.

Before I get a call from Connelly or D3.... I am not saying that those are not my favorite new skis from last year (they are).

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The fun list is really what ski require less front foot pressure going into On Side.


The old RS-1 had the sickest on side of all time. I could not tame the off side but the on side was HUGE. Original Prophecy on side was brainless as is the new version.


Ski that requires the most front foot pressure at on side? A1. One of the most successful skis of all time and it absolutely requires you not tail ride into on side. All skis are different. You just have to find the one that fits your skiing.

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