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  • Baller

When explaining to people who do not ski & some people that do ski, line length in relation to width of the course and how good the pro,s really are, when runnng the shorter line length passes, they get confused with the term 15 off - 28 off etc, when using the metric term it is easier to get the message across because you are talking about actual line length in comparison to the course width, it is easier to explain that the course width is 23m and the skier has just completed the slalom course on a 10.75m line, pointing out the difficulty and the fact that the line does not reach the bouy, people even question why start at 15 off ? if you say 18.25m, no questions, they accept that as a line length.

It would be nice if the subject was standardised, to save confusion,

I remember being in conversation with a female skier, and jokingly said what do you ski at 28 (meaning 28 mph) and she replied that was what she started at, when we got to the boat she went off the dock 34mph@28 off, it turned out that she was a very good water skier and had taken part in many Pro events.



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  • Baller

If the US wants to drop into technical irrelevance and become a third world country, stick with the absurd imperial measurement system. Thousandths, then fractions of inches, to inches, to feet, then yards, then miles? None of it makes sense logically. That's just length! Weight, temperature and power are just as counterintuitive. SI metric units are the language of science and technology. Become comfortable with them or opt out of the future.


@Drago, you really ought to take advantage of the metric aspect of skiing to enlighten your son. Shame on your school district if he's not much more metric literate than you.



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  • Baller_
I think it would be much easier to discribe the sport to non skiers by rope lenth not rope removed, metric or our system. How did "off" become a standard way of saying line lengths anyway??
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  • Baller
Yeah.. I am pretty happy with the metric conversions... when did this all occur again for usa waterski? For me, in the Disabled category, we switched to metrics in like '98 because we compete at the world level, so I've been working on my 34k/37l/40k/43k (21,23,25,27 (approx) mph) passes for almost 15 years now... Seemd strange at the start, seems totally common now. I do stil lcall 15 off "15 off" though, and not 18.25...
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