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was Regina on a Nano , when she set the world record ?

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  • Baller
Chad looks awesome on it. Tip stays way down and always stays moving. He ran the cleanest 39 I've ever seen. Also saw another Big Dawg skier on it last weekend in Houston. Not sure he wants to be named so I won't say who. But he absolutely smoked 39 also.
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Why isn't Dave shouting this from the rooftops? (Or is he and somehow I'm missing it?)


Seems like having a world record set on your new ski before you even release it should help with sales, no?


I had a feeling that the 2nd or 3rd nanotube ski would be the ass-kicker, as it always takes a little experience with something new to figure it out. Will be interesting to see if that guess proves true.

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Most factories like to have a product finished and ready to ship before they say too much. Marketing and inventory reasons is guess.


Ski dev is harder than you would think. Goode is generally really good at keeping things under wraps until they are ready.

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Good points. Fwiw, I doubt I under-estimate how hard ski dev is. As an engineer (admittedly a software engineer), I am well aware of how critical testing cycles are to improving a product. Ski testing, however, is extremely challenging for several reasons:


1) The cycle time is incredibly long. Nobody can ski a huge number of sets in a day (even Razorskier1's rate is not ideal for development cycle), and ideally a skier would want to try something for weeks to really get a sense of it. Personally, I get frustrated when a test data set take more than a few minutes. Weeks would just be agonizing.

2) The information is subjective, and may depend on factors within the tester's body that are out of your control as a designer.

3) (Guessing here) Prototypes are relatively expensive and slow to make.

4) A ski's performance is a combination of a ton of factors, so there is no guarantee that getting any one factor exactly right can be measured until the other factors are extremely close. In computer algorithm lingo, we call this a "non-smooth search space." The analogy is that if you are trying to find the top of a single smooth mountain, they you simply keep going up. If you are trying to find the single highest point in a huge field of similarly sized mountains and valleys, then you don't really know where to go!


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It was not the same ski from Atlanta or the Masters Same ski design as the ski from Masters and Atlanta pro am. However the ski from Cedar Ridge was a brand new ski with a few minor tweaks as Dave finalizes the ski design. The first set on the ski was on Saturday evening. Second ride on the ski was 3@41 first round on Sunday. I am sure Dave will have a press release available in the next few days. The ski is built with the Nano Carbon Technology. Ski performs very well great water conditions but seems to be very good in not so ideal conditions. A few 39s run on the ski in Atlanta. When released this ski is definately worth a try.
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  • Baller
@KM I actually talked to him about that the other day at the ATL ProAm we swapped stores about people who have had marital problems over his skis then he told me about a couple that got divorced and she told dave it was because of his skis... funny times.
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  • Baller
Lucky. I have been buying many skis for years and it never seems to improve my marital status like it did for that guy. Maybe I need a few more skis to push this over the top. Bring on the new graphics too.
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