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What will prove to be the most significant advancement in slalom ski design?


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For the foreseeable future there is not major “step change” in ski performance. None of the things listed in this poll are magic bullets. Skis are getting better but not in huge steps.


Some skis are getting wider. The Goode Wide Ride is no longer a hot product. It was a neat idea and a few skiers had some big scores on it but it is not the future. Other skis seen to be getting wider but more important is proportions and tapers. The AM 33 67 is a BIG ski but it works because of the tapers and overall shape.


The step bottom thing is interesting. Only the test teams know what those skis ride like with normal tunnels. My guess is that it makes a ski faster but is not radical. I know that tunnel depth and radius make a difference but again there is no magic bullet.


Hollow core skis could change how skis are made and may ski good but no one is going to pick up 6 balls because the ski is hollow.


If a ski with or without any of these features is well designed and fits your style you will ski better.


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I think we can't know where it's going. I sense that the new stuff from Andy is going to be closest to the best on the market but that is ever changing. I remember when my trusty old CDX was the best thing I had ever skied on...
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  • Baller
@ Horton Hollow skis were first made in the 70s. Don't forget honeycomb and foam. Flat bottoms, Venturi tunnels, funnel tunnels, parabolic, wide, narrow, triple, double, and single tunnels, and stepped bottoms. They've been there done that. Many fin shapes have passed us by. God knows how many ski shapes with fat heads, skinny heads, wide bevels, skinny bevels, not to mention blended bevels and hand tunable bevel skis. Fiberglass, kevlar, graphite and Carbon graphite construction. Boron is coming. Don't forget cross hatched and textured bottoms. What's the most significant advance in ski design? Ask the sales promoters. PTB says "there's always another one coming around the corner".
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  • Baller

boron is the next step material that will replace carbon fibre. It has one less atom than carbon - therefore potentially lighter and is stronger than carbon as a polymer. Would basically be the most expensive ski ever made right now. Its properties and potential of what could be done with it, would make todays top carbon and RTM skis look like a pair of 1950s dick pope jr combos.


Now how do we get eric to make one? anyone got some spare boron to give him? ;)

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Two things:

do not feed the bears

do not encourage Eric


Boron has been around longer than CF. Is not practical for sporting goods.

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  • Baller

1st Goodes were I think were designed by Bob Lapoint & Dave. Tunnel bottom, pretty crude looking compared to the 9100. I watched Bob ski on it in the 95 Nationals At Okeehelee. He fell at 35. The next year Dave came out with the 9100. The 9100 is still a great ski, I still have mine, and I know I could pull it out and run to with in 2 bouys of my PB. Someone from outside of water skiing may collaborate with a well managed ski company and create something really different that works. Its interesting that top skiers become ski designers. In no other sport does a top athlete usally become a coach (Not untill they retire from competition) or a race car driver become an engine builder. Great Athletes are gifted individuals with physical gifts & drive that allow them to become great. I would think that the next great break through may come from an engineer type who is thinking way outside the box who is gifted with a mind for design and aided by someone with very deep pockets and has a passion to build a ski. It will be interesting if we ever see that combo in this sport. How are the best snow skis built? By whom? How about surfboards? Wind surfing?

Who engineers the best cars? I think our sport is really just in the garage state that those others were in many years ago untill BIG money found them. Then engineers created the "toys" that Great athletes could use. Can you imagine if an engineering team with 20 million could design? Skied on by an individual with the athletic talent of Michael Jordan? Big money! Thinking about it, I kind of like it like it is. On the BIG MONEY model pros would taking down 43 and we'd be where? Haha!

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9100 was 16 years ago. In near history I would say the Mid is a bigger deal.



Waterski design is done by feel. Yes they start with goal and a design idea but it is not like a race car where they can use CFD and simulators. Every ski product I can think of that was mostly designed by a non-skier did not work.


It is not like engine design where you can dive into the math.

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  • Baller
I may rattle some cages here, I don't think the best design engineers have worked on the product because of a lack of money. I may be wrong. My point is with 20 million to spend and hire the best engineers I believe a superior ski would be designed if they could make 25 mil. Real simulators designed, The whole sport lacks money. If BIG money enticed the best athletes into water sking instead of other sports the bar would be much higher. However that being said, I like it just the way it is, backyard, its more about passion, not money.
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@MS yea they are filling orders now. Until they get production fully up to speed I think they do not want to make too much noise. I am pretty sure Adam nearly lives at the factory.
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I'm pretty sure you should go straight to a doctor if you have inflamed ballers.


But anyhow I'll look forward to your AM review. There's no way I'm getting a new ski for this tournament season -- pretty well dialed in right now. But in the fall I might be willing to see if the grass is truly greener.

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