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ZO setting advice for Mastercraft?


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I am slightly embarrased to admit that I am still having a little trouble behind 2012 Mastercrafts. It's certainly not horrible, and I'm sure if I had a little practice time behind one I'd figure it out. But as things stand now, it feels like I am constantly fighting with the boat, which is something I do very poorly. I keep taking these weird "reorienting" slack hits that I almost never do behind other boats.


I ski and love B1 on Nautique, Malibu TXI, and Carbon Pro. I've been wondering if maybe I should try C1 (or A1, although that sounds like the wrong direction based on what I'm feeling) for Mastercraft?


Anybody have thoughts there?


Note: Excellent chance this is 100% in my head. Feel free to tell me so -- perhaps I can believe it if enough people say so!

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  • Baller
I don't know about a lot, but one of our best skiers here at Okeeheelee was complaining about the same "lack of feel" at the ball that I experience. He has struggled this year with that boat, but at our last tournament, instead of B1, he chose C3 and had his best score of the year so far (4 @ 39). I use B2, but will be trying out C2 if I draw a MC at the next tournment as I too feel that the line is dead at the buoy compared with the other boats.
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  • Baller

I know this has been posted on here before but does anyone have handy the information on the differences between the settings. I just tried to do a search and came up with a million results.


Than and I were talking about this over the weekend and I am not sure if I can handle changing letters. I only rarely ski behind ZO and for most boats do okay skiing with A2 although I did ski better behind a Nautique this weekend but my opening round was so crappy behind the MC I can't blame it on ZO.

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  • Baller

ABC = When the boat picks you up, with A being latest and C being earliest.

123 = Aggressiveness of the throttle on the pickup with 1 being the lightest (and therefore stays on longest) and 3 being hardest (and shortest duration).


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Thanks very much for the useful thoughts!


I think I'm going to get a couple of practice sets on a Mastercraft next week, so I'll try a few things. Interesting thought about going up a *number*. On a Nautique, I've found 1 feels so much better than 2 feel so much better than 3. So I never really considered changing from 1. But it's possible that it is the *duration* of the pull that is hurting me most behind the MC. I'll definitely play with both C and 2 a little if I get the chance.

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Btw, Razorskier1 I love your new signature.


I've been thinking of changing mine to "The most interesting Than in the world," except that's probably not true, despite the small number of competitors for the title. The dictator of Myanmar is (or at least was -- I don't keep on top of it) General Than. A bad, bad guy as I understand it, but nevertheless pretty interesting.

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  • Baller
I like A2. Last weekend I skied two rounds behind a 2012 Mastercraft and felt the same thing Roger mentioned earlier, "lack of feel". The second round I tried B2 and could feel the boat being more responsive at the buoy, still not great but better than A2.
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