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Some days ya just don't have it


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  • Supporting Member

Thought I'd publish this as perhaps a help to some newer course skiers. I think sometimes people get insanely frustrated when they appear to have taken a big step back.


But some days, ya just don't have it.


This morning I thought I'd be a bit off because I had some very aggressive (and painful!) massage therapy done around my shoulder, psoases, and other places. I was pretty sore and weak, so decided I'd stay away from -38. No need to worry about THAT! I struggled like heck with my opening pass (-28), and then worked my ass off to squeek through a few -32s. -35 was a joke; shouldn't have even tried it.


Two days earlier, I was going deep -38 and had my first "oh man I shouldda run that" of the season.


And I'll be right back there soon, because I know that today doesn't mean anything unless I let it.


Some days, ya just don't have it. :)

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  • Baller
I have had two days so far this season that I could barely run a pass. Each of these were preceded by a brutal crossfit workout the day before. Both times I didn't think it would effect my skiing, couldn't have been more wrong.
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  • Baller
Yep. I had this day precisely last week. Worked out and ski'd several days in a row. Took a second set on my fourth day of skiing in a row because my set earlier in the day was terrible. I fell three times on my opener. Back to the boat and took a few days off
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  • Baller
Same thing happened to me on my birthday, first set of the morning was crap, and on top of that Chef ran his practice PB. I did ski later that night and redeemed myself with a good set. So you can also within a day go from crap to good, or good to crap. You just have to take this sport day to day.
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