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Nationals Live Results


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  • Gold Member

Ed or anyone: What do the "points" mean? Those look to just start from 10 for last place and gain 10 for each place. (Ties appear to simply average the value for the places involves.) That's not even similar to NOPS, based on my very recent education about NOPS.


So I'm curious what those are used for, if anything.


Doesn't look like a fabulous start for Team Natick. Guessing Matt is a bit bummed to fall 2 full passes short of his recent practice best at Cobles. Then again, Matt is relatively stronger in tricks and Gal and Dar are relatively stronger in slalom. And all of them are really just there to learn about the experience.

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  • Baller
The points appear to be the same as the points used for Intercollegiate Scoring. Maybe these points will be used for the Regional scoring, instead of NOPS points, which can be huge for some of the smaller Senior divisions with a few skiers who are at or near record levels in these divisions. Something that Dave Allen should be able to answer definitively.
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