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Soaked is a week away so I stated skiing at 35mph tonight.


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I thought about all the things I need to do to be ready for Soaked. If I had the time I would only ski hungover and sleep deprived but I have to work this week so I am skiing at 35mph. Well I think it is 35 mph. We put ZO in recreational mode (this sounds wrong already) and changed the speed to 35. I guess that is right.


It took me two sets to run calm 35 off passes. I think there are some lessons to be learned. Skiing faster makes me have to work to stay tall and be lighter on the line. I am looking forward to it. I think I could run 38 at 35mph eventually. For now I just want to run a few passes at Soaked so I am not worried about 38.


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  • Baller
ZO in rec mode will give you the same pull as tournament and the speed will be correct. You can scroll to the screen that will give you the times. I'm not a math major so I don't know what time would be accurate for an .8 MPH increase in speed.
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@Mr.Jones That wouldn't be my first guess, since 34 actually means 55k which is about 34.2. But with this being more of a "show," it's possible that 35==35.0 in this context.


"Surely" this information must be published somewhere? I would think people would want to train at exactly the right speed!?

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  • Baller

My 11 yr old daughter just won the "best nerd" at a nerd party last night for a bunch of jr. highers. They were all put on the spot and asked to "say something nerdy" and she came up with, "I like pie....the math kind." @Than - should I be scared??


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@estrom I believe the emotion you are looking for is "Beeming with pride." (That's spelled "pi" though...)


@Texas6 No, I was calling myself nerd-like, and mocking Horton's attempt to pretend that he was.


@chef23 Thanks!


There's a slight typo in the King James version of The Bible. It's supposed to say: "The geeks shall inherit the Earth."

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