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1999 Malibu Sportser LX prop/ setup options


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I have not been skiing behind this boat much, we primarily ski behind an 2006 Malibu RXLI, however I did ski behind it this weekend and it has a notably harder table, so much so that is was launching me off the wake. We are wondering if there is anything we can do to the boat to maximize the skiability of this boat, possibly a different prop. Not holding my breath but would like some input or feedback if you have any,





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  • Baller

if its got the stock SS 3 blade ditch it. I had the same boat and replaced with a standard 13x13 OJ nibral. I'm sure OJ or ACME can recommend a good prop for that boat as well.


the wake is harder than the RLXi and more so when there is more weight in the boat. try and lighten it up as much as you can (fuel under 1/4 tank helps a LOT).


you need to get your ski on edge through the wakes too, that will help the bump/hardness significantly.

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@SDNAH2OSKIER, I started a similar thread on this just last week. I own an 03 Sporty LX and would agree with you 100% on the wake. We used to have an 05 RLXI in our group and while I thought the wakes were similar in size, the Sporty is much harder.


I hope someone can chime in with a prop change but I'm not too sure as I think it is ultimately down to the narrow beam of the boat. I've been experimenting with weight in the bow with mixed results because I think due to that narrow beam, the boat drops with less weight.


I figure I just need to learn how to cross the wakes better...

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  • Baller

a prop change will make minimal if any difference to the wake on this boat. I owned the same boat & the wake is excellent, only slightly harder at 15 and 22 off than the response. its also smaller than many at those line lengths which is a benefit.


you want to get as much weight out of the boat as possible, and make sure it is riding even. It is only 86" beam so even moving on the passenger seat from 1 side to the other will make a difference.


I found fuel quantity in the tank to be the biggest factor in wake size/hardness. we always kept it under 1/4 tank when skiing the course.


you will get used to it, and focus on trying to keep your ski on edge through the wake. over and out.

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