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Baller Ski Event


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  • Baller

Because I have a ski obsession, I have gone back so far on the threads reading and learning and getting to know you crazy bastards, I came across several threads about putting a baller ski event together. One I found was going to happen in Texas in September of 10 and the last comment I could find was in April. Another was a video tournament where ballers sent in there scores, etc.


My question, is this: now that we are going into the off season--with the exception of the lucky *(&&*(* that live in the south, would it be worth it to plan a tournament? Did the other ones fizzle? Was there a lot of talk and then no action? I think it would be fun to put one together, unless I am not thinking of a million negative details? I would love some clarification or your thoughts.

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  • Administrators
There are 2 events in the planning stage. One next early summer and one late next summer. Not saying anything else as the details are in the works.
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