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In the winter do you Snow ski or....


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  • Baller
We've had a gps a couple of times. With a 15-20 wind on a broad reach we can average around 45-50mph. Throw in a couple of gusts and I'm sure we're getting close to 60. When the boat hikes up on two runners and your mast looks like a pretzel it feels like a 100!
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  • Baller
@dbski and skibrain, I started in the Skimmer 45 ( still have it) at about age 14. Built a couple DN since, the DN is great fun. I run a "stock" rig. Always a good time. dbski, really nice boat! I appreciate the ice info, will email soon.
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  • Baller_
Well, records show we have a 'feels like temp" of 32F this morning in Orlando. Now all we need is altitude, snow fall and a mountain and I'll be set. To bad one outa four wont make that happen. So water skiing it is. :) Right after it "feels like" 60.
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  • Baller

@MS Steeleys and steelhead! Fantastic! Maybe fishing is better than skiing because beer doesn't interfere with your ability to fish. However my liver is better off skiing and delaying the alcohol.

Steelhead battered in Steel Reserve? Who's got the recipe?


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  • Baller

@MS where was that?


Got back out and stared down a black hole for the first time in 6 years this weekend...forgot how much I enjoy crappies!!!!


Otherwise it is a snowmobile for me when it gets cold.


cold temps don't keep me inside, there is always something to do, even if it is just a walk in the spruce bog or going out and listening to the ice make music.

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  • Baller
One of the coolest things in the winter is hearing the ice "sing". Last winter there wasn't much snow and on a clear cold night the ice sang so loud you could hear it inside the house. For you southerners it's similar to the sounds whales make.
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  • Baller
Try to snow ski as much as I can. But last year I didn't ski at all. Basiclly it is hockey and working out that keep me motivated. That and the occasional trip south to ski - now I have that itch to waterski again!! (Never lost it, just k we I wouldn't be skiing with the weather we have had)
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  • Baller

@eleeski and @jimbrake,


Great day on the hill, glad we could finally hook up for some runs.

After @eleeski 's finally got on the hill about noon. :) I think he tried to keep up with the college kids the night before!


Looking forward to some more great days on the hill.

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  • Baller
I really like snowboarding and since I've gotten older and had a calcanious fracture in 2005. I've become a better baorder than a skier. I typically buy an Epic Pass (Colorado) and get out there for 2 to 3 weeks a year. Expensive but worth it. My favorite mountain is Beaver Creek.
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  • Baller
Play hockey twice a week, ski the odd weekend until the snowmobile trails are opened and then snowmobile every weekend I can, only problem is we are getting less and less snow every winter hear in Southern Ontario
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  • Baller
I try to water ski about once every 10 days, to stay in tune. Snow ski about 25 days, so that is recreation. Bikram Yoga 5-6 days a week. That is the best way to stay in condition for the season. Some weight training, I have been doing less of that as I want my BMI to be lower, so I want less muscle that is just weight.
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